Before you can start saving money on commercial auto insurance, it is first necessary to understand what commercial auto insurance really is. Texans have such a vast array of vehicle types and often use these vehicles for 2 or sometimes even 3 different applications a day.
A father may drop his kids off at school in the morning. He may then drive his truck to his contractor job and work 8 hours during the business day. After work, he may then decide to put in a few hours of fishing, and hook up the family boat to the very same truck and drive it down to the lake.
A CPA may spend most of her time driving from her home to her office and back home again and hold a standard commercial auto insurance policy on her car. During the course of her business, she may wind up doing business with a new client that requires her to travel to another city.
How do you classify such vehicles based on its varying use? To answer this question, you must work with a multi-line statewide insurance provider like Texas Auto Home Insurance that knows how to properly classify your vehicle and determine if it falls into a commercial auto or commercial truck classification.
Our agents understand that there are almost as many commercial classifications for vehicle usage as there are variations of usage. It is for this reason that we avoid defining "commercial auto insurance" for your Texas vehicle prior to carefully analyzing your situation and examining all the many details surrounding the ownership of the vehicle and its business usage.
Because we take the time to thoroughly evaluate all the factors associated with your vehicle, we can minimize a phenomenon known in the insurance business as "coverage overlap." If a vehicle is not properly classified, different types of coverage will overlap and create higher premiums. Reducing the amount of overlap without reducing actual coverage is the key to saving money on commercial auto insurance.
George White, President of our organization, spent many years in underwriting prior to the founding of our statewide property and casualty insurance agency. Because he is familiar with the internal standards that Texas commercial auto insurance carriers use to determine base premium costs, George has been able to train his agents to properly classify each commercial vehicle and rate its use accordingly to the favor of the customer's pocketbook and the specific legal requirements of Texas insurance law.
This requires ethics and finesse, but after 30 years in business, George and his staff know how to strike this delicate balance and consistently deliver savings on commercial auto insurance to more than 60% of the businesses that come to us for a policy.
Additional savings also come directly from the carriers who we represent. Most give major discounts for safety programs and outstanding loss histories. Working with an agent who can gather this data and properly present it to the commercial auto or truck insurance carriers will often be all you need to reduce your rages.
We also work with more than one A+ rated carriers that provide blanket endorsements for waiver of subrogation and additional insured requirements without added premium charges.
You will greatly benefit by acquiring a consultation and a quote from Texas Auto Home Insurance. Saving you money on your commercial auto insurance premium is our specialty.