Insurance premiums for automobiles seem to rise every year. When the annual notice of renewal arrives in the mail, there is often sticker shock at how much the premium has gone up. Is there a way to save money with discount auto insurance? The television advertisements for discount auto insurance appear to make it attractive, but is it a right fit for you?
There are three basic types of auto insurance, Liability, Collision and Comprehensive. These three types are defined as follows. Liability is coverage for damage done by your vehicle. Collision is coverage for damage done to your vehicle. Comprehensive is coverage for fire and theft damage. If you lease or have your vehicle financed, either through a bank or finance company, the bank or finance company will require you to have all three, which is considered "full coverage". If you own your vehicle outright, most states will require you to carry liability insurance only. However if your vehicle is involved in an accident you may have to carry the burden of repairing your vehicle if you do not have full coverage. There are numerous other types of coverage that are available to the insurance purchaser.
Prior to the availability of the Internet, auto insurance was purchased either from an agent or a broker. One particular company employed insurance agents while brokers represented several different companies. The agents and brokers were paid a commission for both the policies that they wrote and renewed. In theory, the insurance professionals could develop a relationship with the consumer and determine exactly what the needs were of each individual person.
When you were looking around to change companies it often required numerous lengthy telephone calls to various agents who repeatedly asked the same questions. This was both time consuming and in many cases frustrating. In many cases, it was difficult for the person buying the insurance to compare details of the policies. There are few people in this world who have, when making a claim for either warrantee service or insurance, not been told, "You're not covered for that it's in the fine print".
The Internet provided insurance companies a vast opportunity. This opportunity was to be able to offer discount auto insurance to a larger market. This larger market provided a broader base for the insurance companies to spread the risk factor over. Additionally, in addition to spreading out the risk factor, the insurance companies, by offering coverage directly to the consumer could eliminate the need to pay commissions to agents or brokers. These two factors allowed the insurance companies to offer discount auto insurance to the general populace.
All auto insurance policies are not created equally. Many policies while appearing to offer comparable coverage may in fact have exclusions written into them. It is up to the consumer to, when purchasing discount auto insurance, on line carefully evaluate the policies and check for any exclusions in the policies. This can be a difficult task for the consumer who is not well versed in auto insurance.
Auto insurance is quite simply another product that is sold on the open market. A multitude of prices and options are often available for what on the surface appears to be the same product. There are consumers who will purchase the lowest priced product simply because it is the lowest price. There are other consumers who will purchase a product simply because of the name recognition of the supplier of the product. Name recognition is an important factor. The reliable brand name often means a quality product that is combined with quality customer service. Maytag washing machines are an example of a reliable brand name. Maytag washing machines seldom require service yet, when they do, the Maytag service is known to be prompt and efficient. The purchasing of a brand name auto insurance, even at a discount rate may be higher than that obtained from other companies. However the brand name insures reliability and prompt efficient customer service when an accident and resulting claim occurs.
Costs are constantly rising often outpacing gains in income. Discount auto insurance is available from many suppliers. When purchasing any discount auto insurance without the aid and assistance of an insurance professional it is required that the consumer carefully evaluate both the policy and the company that is issuing the policy. If the company that is issuing the discount auto insurance is not familiar to the consumer it is recommended that the consumer contact the Better Business Bureau to familiarize themselves with that company. Should the consumer doubt their ability to determine which policy and or company is the right one for them, an insurance professional should be consulted. In many cases the insurance professional can offer comparable rates to the discount auto insurance available on line, which insures that the consumer gets the best coverage for their money.