Do you ever get the feeling your auto insurance company is keeping secrets? Oh, not in the "We're about to blow up the world" kind of way-this isn't Conspiracy Theory! It's more of the feeling that your insurance provider knows more than they're letting on about how you could be saving money on your auto insurance policy, but they're not cluing you in. If you've ever thought that, you're absolutely right. Auto insurance companies from coast to coast are hiding a vital secret from their customers about their auto insurance rates, and when that secret comes out it's going to blow the auto insurance industry wide open.
Relax, this isn't going to be one of those articles that tells you to start bugging your apartment and scanning your car for electronic devices. What is it is, is a front row view at some of the changes that are taking place in the auto insurance industry and what those changes have to do with your policy.
Did you know that according to a study run by over 40% of Americans feel like they're paying too much for their auto insurance policy? No surprise there-with little flexibility, carte blanche when it comes to deciding your premiums and an eye for profit the auto insurance industry has probably been walking away with more than their fair share of your income for years! What might surprise you is the fact that the same study mentioned above also turned up the fact that on average, auto insurance rates have dropped by $100 or more annually in the last six months.
Wait-savings of $100 or more? You bet. But are those savings turning up in the policies of the already insured? Most drivers don't think so. 22% of drivers currently out shopping for auto insurance state that they're there rather than kicking back with a cup of tea and the latest action film because their auto insurance companies have raised their auto insurance rates with their renewal policies. Their new customers are enjoying prime insurance rates, while their loyal drivers are paying the price.
It's not fair, and the insurance industry has a hundred different justifications to cover their tracks, but the numbers never lie.
What does that mean for you as a driver? It means your insurance provider is withholding vital information, keeping you from enjoying optimal auto insurance rates and generally playing nasty, and it's time to get out of dodge. With over fifty nationwide auto insurance companies operating in the continental United States and numerous resources available to move shopping for auto insurance online rather than out in the big, wide, messy world of telephones there's no reason for you not to do a little comparison shopping and come up with the best possible rate for your auto insurance policy.
The question is, do you have the guts to break out of your comfort zone and take the plunge or are you going to renew your auto insurance policy and pretend like you don't know that you could be getting much better auto insurance rates somewhere else?