Searching and comparing auto insurance rates has become a lot easier these days thanks for search comparison sites. When you're searching for the best auto insurance rates you need to first figure out how much insurance coverage you need to register a car in the state you live in. Each state, including, New York, has set a minimum amount of auto insurance you need in order to register a vehicle in the state.
You have to produce proof that your vehicle is insured. You are required to show an auto insurance card when registering your auto. If you live in the state of New York you need to know what the minimum amount of auto insurance liability coverage you can have to register. Auto insurance companies that are registered to do business in New York will know what the minimum amount of insurance coverage is. I have also listed the minimum amount here.
In order to register a vehicle in New York you must have liability insurance. Liability coverage will pay for property damage and medical bills if you have an accident. Liability insurance coverage must be a minimum of $25,000/50,000 for injury, $50,000/100,000 for death, and $10,000 for property damage caused by any one accident.
New York State is a no-fault state, which means your auto insurance company will make payments for your injury claims regardless whether or not the accident is your fault or someone elses fault. Your liability coverage must remain in effect the entire time your car is registered. The one exception to this rule is with motorcycles.
The liability auto insurance coverage must be New York State insurance coverage, issued by an insurance company authorized to do business in New York State and licensed by the NYS Insurance Department.
Out-of-state insurance coverage of any type isn't acceptable or even valid. So don't think you can get Florida auto insurance coverage or California auto insurance coverage to save money on your premiums. Basically if your vehicle is registered in New York, the auto liability insurance coverage must be New York insurance coverage.
Liability auto insurance coverage must be issued in the name of the registrant, the person registering the vehicle which usually is the owner. Once you have registered the car it must remain in the name of the registrant at all times.
A change on the auto insurance to a name different from the vehicle registrant causes a lapse in car insurance coverage. Not only will your insurance lapse the driver license of the registrant and the registration is suspended. So it's very important not to change this at any time.
When you apply for a vehicle registration you must show a New York State Insurance Identification Card. Car insurance companies, car insurance agents or your car insurance broker will issue you two original New York State Insurance Identification Cards. The Insurance Identification Cards must have the same name as the registration application and will be bar-coded.
The car insurance company must also file an electronic notice of insurance coverage with the Department of Motor Vehicles to verify the liability coverage. Your Insurance Identification Card and the electronic notice of insurance coverage together verify your insurance coverage.
There is also a time line between getting vehicle insurance and registering your vehicle. An Insurance Identification Card must be presented within 45 days of the effective date of the insurance coverage.