You're all packed up. You've got your trip mapped out, emergency numbers and your campground reservations booked. You've picked up supplies at the grocery store, made sure your RV was in good working order and filled the tank with gas. You've got everything you need to tour the continental US in your RV. But did you remember to extend your auto insurance coverage?
Nothing puts a damper on the excitement of vacation like having to deal with the practicalities of your auto insurance policy. It's bad enough to have to pay a visit to the garage to make sure your RV isn't going to go wheels-up somewhere around Mississippi! Don't let yourself procrastinate on picking up a good auto insurance policy for your RV, however.
If you think having to deal with paperwork puts a damper on the thrill of your vacation, just wait until you've been in an accident and you're not only "carless", but homeless as well.
Many people choose to tack their RV onto their standard auto insurance policy, pick up the state minimum liability coverage and hit the roads thinking they're safe and protected. It doesn't quite work like that. Here's what you need to know to make sure you're not setting your vacation up to take the fall:
a)Most auto insurance companies will offer you RV insurance as a part of your standard auto insurance policy.
b)A regular auto insurance policy might not be sufficient to protect your RV. RVs take more damage and they deal out more damage, so you're going to want an insurance policy with levels of coverage high enough to compensate for that. Since a regular auto insurance policy may not do it (at least, not at a price you want to pay!) look into the possibility of purchasing a specialized RV insurance policy designed just for people like you!
c)Trouble with the awning is among the top auto insurance claims filed by RV owners, so make sure your comprehensive insurance policy will cover it if unseasonable (or unplanned) hail makes Swiss cheese out of yours.
The first question most people ask when they start talking about purchasing RV insurance is, "How much is it going to cost?" The cost is going to vary from motor home to motor home. The good news is, the same factors that play in when you're searching for cheap auto insurance are going to influence the cost of your RV insurance. The safety features of your RV, its make and model (and the history of that make and model), your age, your credit score, your job, the levels of coverage you need and your driving history are all going to help you keep the price of your coverage down to something that doesn't require you to hand over your firstborn every month.
There are a lot of things you have to do when it's time to get ready for vacation. You know it. We know it. Just don't forget to make sure auto insurance for your RV is on the list.