Many people assume that with auto insurance no license means no policy, however obtaining auto insurance without a driver's license is a valid concern for more people than one would think. There is a variety of situations in which a person would find himself trying to get his automobile covered without currently being in possession of a legal driver's license.
Although ultimately your job may be harder to find car insurance without a license, as long as you have a vehicle legally in your name, there are chances out there for you. The best chance for you to find auto insurance without a valid driver's is to start over the phone, or to check with local companies.
Next, try the Internet, but be aware that if you have not discussed your situation with the insurer or agent first, and then the company runs a motor vehicle report, you may have that new policy cancelled on you. If you are in a situation in which you have no auto insurance, no license, and you need the auto insurance before you'll get a license, then you can explain this to the insurer.
Whether you need auto insurance for court, or your license is suspended or revoked, if you don't currently have one an auto insurance provider may still give you 30 to 45 days to get a valid driver's license. The problem here is that if you don't manage to get the license, the policy expires.
There are other reasons you or someone you know may not have a license but need auto insurance. Elderly people or blind people may still own a car, and can obtain auto insurance coverage with other legal drivers listed on the policy. This option is likely to cost the insurer more than an average monthly premium, but this option is well worth versus no coverage at all. If you have a driver's license from another country, some auto insurance companies will start your policy and usually will give you 30 to 45 to get a valid US license.
There have been some accounts of people being able to obtain auto insurance no license policies by finding companies that didn't require that information. Again, this approach could be risky if the company ends up running a motor vehicle report, however you could simply ask if they do this.
Whichever way you end up going to acquire an auto insurance no license policy, make sure you end up insured. The consequences of driving without auto insurance are too high to take any chances, but with a little work you're sure to find a policy that will fit your needs.