When making a purchase of any kind, you've got to think before you act. No matter where you go, especially when it concerns automobile insurance, everyone claims to be the best. You have to think of it this way: If you were the insurance company, wouldn't you claim to have the best rates also? Of course, and the reason is because is the only way to stay in business. The fact of the matter is that there are handfuls of companies who are charging way too much, but could care less because they've got your money. The only way to know where to buy auto insurance is to shop around and compare.
Comparison shop. That is, look around. As you do so, keep a few things in mind. One of the most important things when it comes to buying auto insurance is what your driving history is. In a very large way, this is going to determine what you'll pay for auto insurance. If you've got a less than perfect driving record, speeding tickets, or accidents, you'll pay more for it when you buy auto insurance than someone with a good record is going to pay. It also means that your choices may be somewhat limited. Not every Washington auto insurance company will want you as a customer. As you continue your homework, you're also going to figure out what type of coverage you need. That is, will you need comprehensive coverage, or just liability coverage? How old are you? What type of vehicle do you drive? What safety features does your car have? All of these questions and more will have to be answered by you in order to buy auto insurance.
You'll also need to figure out what type of insurance your area requires you to carry. Washington auto insurance, for example, requires you to carry certain minimum requirements; check to see what you have to carry for your area. This will help you eliminate unnecessary costs, so that you don't carry Washington auto insurance coverage you don't need.
It's also a common misconception that differences in price won't matter that much, but that's not true. You could be paying hundreds more, in fact, than you need to. Because insurance agents are in this to make money, they want you to pay as much as they can get out of you. Therefore, don't listen to your insurance agent and instead do your homework, paying only for the coverage you need when you buy auto insurance and not more -- and paying only the money you need to for that coverage, and not more.
It's wise to do some research on the Internet before you buy auto insurance. Going to your favorite search engine and simply typing in, "auto insurance" or "Washington insurance companies", will bring up a number of sites that will let you compare coverage, price, and so on. You may even be able to get initial quotes from each of these sites, which is even more informative for you.
As you shop, make sure that you have all the information needed available so that you can type it in as asked when you're getting insurance quotes. Some things you'll be asked are the age and make of your vehicle, your age, address, any accidents you had, and so on. Not all sites will require all of this information, but some will, in order to give you a quote.
It's a good idea to compare several different companies -- up to 10 or even more -- before you buy auto insurance. Make sure you have a phone next to you in the event an agent calls you want to provide the information necessary. Some websites operate on an "email" basis, where you don't necessarily have to talk to an agent to complete the process, and typically do everything by email. Some will have an agent call you, though, so you should be ready for this to happen.
In the event that you do receive a few calls from various auto insurance agents, take advantage of it. Ask questions and ask if they have any specials going on. Also, find out if you are eligible to receive discounts. Not all companies will provide you with this information upfront unless you ask. After spending a few hours online and on the phone, you should be satisfied with your decision. Remember to take your time and find out as much as possible before you buy auto insurance, because once it's all said and done, knowing that you saved yourself a great deal of money is the best feeling ever.