Before looking for cheap high risk auto insurance it is important to learn what factors help in determining auto insurance high risk. The first factor that determines high risk auto insurance is of course your driving record. This of course means looking at your record to see whether you have been involved in at fault auto accidents and also whether you have paid parking traffic violation tickets or if you have been involved in car accidents.
Obviously, to have a better chance of finding cheap high risk auto insurance your driving record needs to blemish free because each infraction of traffic laws makes it harder to get a cheap insurance plan.
Secondly, you need to also consider what kind of auto insurance history you have. This basically means looking at factors such as whether you have been driving on the road with valid insurance for the entire period that you have been driving on the road (legally). In case, there are gaps in your insurance history you simply cannot hope to get the best rates because the insurer may start believing that you were unable to acquire valid auto insurance and this of course will then work against you.
Thirdly, before you start looking for cheap high risk auto insurance you must also take into account another factor that will affect your insurance rates. This is your personal profile which the insurer will look at and compare against certain values. Women for example are considered lower risk clients and for them finding cheap insurance will be easier than for example teens that are decidedly among the first to be considered high risk clients.
Also, if you live in urban areas your risk assessment will be higher than for someone that lives in the rural areas.
Your credit history is a less than obvious factor that influences your auto insurance rates. Insurers will look at your past credit history to see whether you have always paid your installments or whether there were gaps. A poor credit history will not allow you to obtain cheap high risk auto insurance while a good or excellent credit history will further your case.
If there are certain factors that are working against you then you will need to act in a manner that will help you clean up your high risk auto insurance assessment. You must, for example, start by paying off each and every outstanding fine or parking ticket money and you should also improve your driving habits. If you lower your comprehensive coverage on an old auto you can lower your liability.
It also pays to go online to find resources that will help you understand high risk auto insurance policies. The more you compare quotes the better will be your chances of finding more affordable high risk auto insurance policies.
In addition, you should also try looking for discounts which are offered as new parent discount or alternative fuel discount or even good student discounts. Secondly, by shortening your job commute you can also get more affordable high risk auto insurance as the less time you spend on the road the less will be your insurance premium. Also, driving carefully can help you get the best auto insurance rates for high risk drivers.