You see an insurance company commercial nearly every time you watch television, so you might think that calling companies directly is going to net you the lowest rate on your car insurance. While there is no dispute that you might be able to save some money and find cheap auto insurance by calling company after company, there are a couple other ways that you can do this that doesn't require you to have 20 minute phone conversations each time.
1. Go visit a local independent broker agency.
This type of agency advertises as having several companies for who they sell their products. Giving them a call will allow you to get several quotes simultaneously by giving your information to the broker agent in their sales department.
The benefits of using this service are:
Accuracy of cheap auto insurance.
A local business to support.
A place you can ask questions and get help rather than a call center.
Give information once to get several cheap auto insurance quotes.
The drawbacks of using this service are:
Often only open during normal business hours.
They may charge an additional fee.
They may not be able to give you all the quotes instantly if you are in a hurry (like if you are waiting at a dealership).
2. Go to an insurance referral website.
You can find these by going to your favorite search engine and searching "car insurance quotes." The first eight or nine results will be the top insurance company's direct websites, but right under it you will find referral websites that will do comparison quotes for you. It works on the same premise as the independent broker agency except you can do it yourself online and almost instantaneously find cheap auto insurance.
The benefits of using this service are:
Availability is 24/7, whenever it is convenient for you.
Instant quotes that gives you results for cheap auto insurance quickly.
Quotes all the top companies.
The drawbacks of using this service are:
You won't have a live person to help if you have a problem.
Your quote might not be perfectly accurate if you forgot some information.
Cheap auto insurance quotes are available many different ways. It usually boils down to what works best for the person searching. Smart phones make it easier for users to get fast quotes from referral websites, but people living in small towns or places that have local independent agents may prefer to support their local business.