There are many insurance companies that supply auto insurance. Most people who watch television could probably sing the jingle of the top five or six companies just because of their prolific television marketing strategies.
But whom do you think helps pay for those advertisements? The money comes from their budget, and the money for the budget is partially supplied by the policyholders. One could argue that the bigger the television advertising budget the more they are charging for their products. Don't assume that doing one or two quotes will net you a cheap auto insurance company.
1. Ask Friends and Family
Because so many people shop quotes to find a cheap auto insurance company, get ideas from someone close to you who has recently shopped for a cheap auto insurance company. You know that your quotes will always be different than someone else's; however, if you have several friends who mention the same company more than once, you might start with them.
Additionally, if you live with other drivers, like family or roommates, sometimes going with the same company will provide you with multi-vehicle discounts. This will be helpful to both you and your household drivers.
2. Prior Insurance Status
If you have no prior insurance, you will be likely to pay higher premiums with standard companies like State Farm and Allstate. You are better off checking with a cheap auto insurance company that directs their advertising towards the nonstandard market. They have the pricing that will work with your situation.
If you have prior insurance, especially with higher than state minimum liability limits, you can probably qualify for some of the better rating plans with standard and nonstandard companies. It would be particularly advantageous if you have another type of policy with a major company to check their auto rates. You may find that combining a life and auto policy saves you 10% or more.
3. Broker Agents and Referral Websites
There is no easier way to find a cheap auto insurance company than getting more than one quote at a time. You can do this instantly with a referral auto insurance website, or you can stop by a local independent agent and give them your information. They will respond to you later with your options.
Searching for a cheap auto insurance company is not difficult, but sometimes it is just a matter of getting started. Just like with any mundane task, it is easy to procrastinate. However, with all the options available to get quotes, it won't take you long. Just don't be swayed by only calling the companies you see on television ads. You may find better deals hidden in smaller companies.