There are three main topics you will want to consider when searching for auto insurance, and even well before you start shopping for cheap auto insurance. Understanding these important factors will help you start out right and find cheap auto insurance.
1. Prior Insurance
If you have even just six months of coverage as a driver on anyone's policy, you will see cheap auto insurance more so than if you just went to an insurance company for a quote right after obtaining your driver's license. Unless you have unlimited amounts of income, you are going to need all the help you can get to have affordable insurance when you are young.
If you live at home with a parent, the best thing that you can do for yourself is to get added as a driver to their policy. If you offer to pay the difference in premium for your own costs, it is pretty safe to say that you will pay far less than going out and getting your own car and insurance. Be patient and stay on just as a driver on your parent's policy for six months; then you can and then check rates for cheap auto insurance.
2. Find Discounts
Other than the obvious student discount, married discount, homeowner discount, and multi-car, you can get group discounts. Often these are offered through employers, membership discounts as a member of a trade or activity group, and professional organizational memberships.
You also will want to take an accident prevention course if you are under 25 or if you have a less-than-perfect driving record. This could save you as much as 30% for a cheap auto insurance quote.
3. Drive Less
Another discount that is becoming popular is the one that gives less exposure to risk. This would be when your cheap auto quote is calculated based on your car being an occasional use car or a full-time daily commute vehicle. If you can carpool, walk, or take other forms of public transportation, you can save a great deal.
If you must start off an insurance policy with a lapse in coverage, a poor driving history, or a number of claims, start off with quoting for liability only or for high deductibles. You can always increase your protection after you start quoting cheap auto insurance when you have had six continuous months of non-stop car insurance coverage.