There is a lot of talk about getting fast, free, instant, cheap auto insurance quotes to save you money, but not everyone does. It's widely understood that young drivers and drivers who have a poor driving history will pay a lot more money that someone older with a clean record, but other than that, how does one qualify for cheap auto insurance quotes?
1. Under the age of 25:
* Stay under parent's policy as long as possible. Their higher liability limits and longevity (usually) with the same company will mean that when you finally do get your own car you will get some hefty discounts.
* Full-time students study hard. Maintain a 3.0 or higher and you will see a big discount for it. (Parents: Make your kids pay the difference if they slip...they will get it back up quick!)
* Stick to older model four-door cars for your main vehicle. This will give you especially cheaper insurance if you have a car you don't need to keep collision on.
2. Between the ages of 25 and 65:
* While you rent your home, maintain tenant insurance with the same company who has your car insurance. You will find cheap auto insurance quotes when you combine.
* When and if you buy a home, make sure you bundle your home and auto together. You can save as much as 30% or more.
* Teenage children should be listed on your policy for up to three years. After that, they should be able to split onto their own policy if they get a car and their rates will be much less than if you never let them get their license until then. High grades and responsible use of the car should be part of the bargain.
* Keep claims to a minimum; avoid getting tickets.
* If you have any group memberships check if there is an insurance company they partner with to provide cheap auto insurance quotes.
3. Over the age of 65:
* Keep your policies bundled as much as possible: Life, health, annuities, accident, auto, home, RV, and motorcycle.
* Take accident prevention courses every three years. Even with an excellent driving record, this will often provide discounts for cheap auto insurance quotes. It will certainly help offset any ticket you might get.
* When you retire, be sure to change your vehicle usage to pleasure use. The lower usage and mileage brings you savings in some states.
Not everyone can get cheap auto insurance quotes. However, with a few good tips, each age group can use their station in life to work the insurance magic for which they do have some control.