When most people who are already insured shop for cheap auto insurance it is because they are looking to save money in their household budget. It's a tough time for families all over the world because of the recessions experienced in the US and Europe.
Owning a vehicle is often necessary to maintain viable employment unless one lives within a very short distance of work, but this has become less and less the case as people widen their job search to further regions. So when you put two and two together, you have more expenses for gas and insurance. You cannot control gas prices other than choosing the type of car you purchase, so insurance is about the only thing you really can control to some degree.
There are several items to keep in mind when shopping for cheap auto insurance rates.
1. Compare and purchase online.
Unless you do not have a reliable Internet service and home computer, you will probably find more cost savings by doing comparisons and find cheap auto insurance premiums this way. It gives you many more options in a shorter period of time, especially if you use insurance directory websites that allow you to fill out one form for a dozen or more estimates. Additionally, you may find lower prices among auto insurance companies that are Internet based since they have a much lower overhead.
2. If you don't have to have a car loan, don't buy collision coverage.
If you happen to be looking for a car while looking for insurance, stick to what you can afford to pay cash for. You might end up with a beater that only lasts a year, but you can save so much on your cheap auto insurance by eliminating collision coverage you can hopefully afford to tuck away a certain amount each month towards another car you can pay cash for later.
3. Ask about or search for all available discounts.
Some discounts should automatically calculate like accident free, multi-car, married, and a car's standard safety features. Some you may have to select or search to add like good student, homeowner, affiliate membership discounts, and accident prevention courses. Make sure you are getting every available discount for which you qualify.
There are many car insurance companies from which to choose for cheap auto insurance, and those decisions often determine cost, as well as methods and levels of service.