One day car insurance is an affordable insurance coverage that protects a person effectively for a short term against any loss incurred in cases such as being involved in car accidents. This type of car insurance coverage is often taken by those who drive a car while traveling.
Shopping for car insurance is never a quick activity. However, in this case too, it is important to do the research and find the best type of one day auto insurance. This can be done by comparing quotes online.
But why do people require one day auto insurance?
There are many situations where people feel they do not need to possess any car insurance. Primarily this happens when they simply do not use their car often, as is the case in many large cities (such as New York).
That being said, when using a car even for short periods of time, it is essential that the driver be protected by a type of insurance. This can save him or her the painful realization that they have incurred huge expenses if they are involved in a car accident.
In general, it can be said there are two situations where one may require a one day auto insurance policy.
The first case involves people who do not possess cars and only use one infrequently. This can be when renting a car, or when borrowing a friend's car. In this case, getting one day auto insurance would be very appropriate.
The second case involves people who wish to save money by not enrolling in an auto insurance plan. This could be the case when they do not use their car often (i.e. live in a place where a car is not necessary, such as New York City), or when they have a second car which is not used frequently.
It is important to emphasize that in both cases, whenever the car is in fact used, the driver should be protected by an insurance plan such as one day auto insurance. This would certainly be preferable than paying a yearly premium. However, if the car is utilized quite often, then choosing this type of auto insurance would not make financial sense.