It's always a little scary when you're taking the plunge, but relax. Shopping for your first auto insurance policy isn't nearly as hard as you think. In fact, with a few basic facts and a little bit of homework you might just find that shopping around for auto insurance is the most satisfying thing you'll do this year!
Okay, maybe not. But there is something incredibly satisfying about wrangling the best deal possible on your insurance. Just wait and see. And we're going to give you the tools you need to do it.
The first thing you need to know about shopping for auto insurance is to never take the first deal that comes your way. At least, not right away. As good as those dancing green dollar signs may sound, there's no such thing as one size fits all when it comes to auto insurance. It's impossible to overemphasize that. Every company has its own policies when it comes to new customers, new policies and new discounts.
That means each and every one of the auto insurance companies out there is going to offer you slightly different auto insurance rates.
That aside, let's talk insurance. There are four primary types of insurance: Liability, comprehensive, collision and uninsured motorist. Assuming you don't live in a no-fault state. That's a whole different ball game!
There are any number of technical explanations for each type of insurance coverage, but to boil it down to layman's terms:
a) Liability picks up the other person's auto repair and medical bills and pays to fix the guardrail after you've been in an accident.
b) Collision pays for the damages the guardrail and their front bumper did to your car, and it picks up the tab if you happen to, say, drive through a department store window and toast your front bumper.
c) Comprehensive fixes your car when the branch on the tree in front of your house gives up the ghost and crashes down on your windshield, and
d) Uninsured motorist pays to fix your car when the driver that hit you doesn't have any insurance to do it. (Also pays for hit and runs, which believe it or not you'd be responsible for otherwise.)
Ideally you want to have all four of these to keep your car as safe as possible when you're out on the road.
Finally, let's talk discounts. You'd be amazed what can save you money on your auto insurance. Common discounts include (but are not limited to):
1) Your age.
2) Your driving record.
3) Your car's safety and security features.
4) Your credit score.
5) Your job.
6) The make and model of your car.
7) Your deductibles.
8) Where you live.
9) Your commute.
Shopping for your first auto insurance policy can be intimidating, but it doesn't have to be. With a little bit of homework and just the right touch of shopping savvy you can have the insurance coverage you need at a price you can afford and go to bed at night knowing you beat the system and came out on top in the insurance game.