Its important to have New York auto insurance since it will save you in the event of a car related accident or when problems happen. Nobody wants to pay all the bills or expenses from any car issue by themselves therefore having a cheap New York car insurance policy helps. Unfortunately, you often get high New York auto insurance quotes which is generally attributed to increasing car thefts and rate of auto-related accidents. Regardless, there are still ways to get a cheap NY car insurance quote if you follow some helpful tips.
* Before anything else, you should go online and find out more about New York auto insurance quotes online then make a comparison of these.
* If you usually have full coverage insurance, take off some coverage that you think isnt that important for you.
* See how you can raise your deductible. You increase your deductible by agreeing to pay a bit more before your insurance kicks in. This is a sure way to lower your annual premium.
* Buy a car that isn't likely to be stolen. Car theft is high in New York and cars likely to be stolen cost more to insure. Foreign cars and expensive cars are frequently the ones to be stolen over a low profile car.
* Good driving records for three years or more get you a lower rate, however, that discount goes away at the first DUI or accident.
* Having safety devices installed in your car will give your insurance company more reasons to grant you more discounts on your insurance. Ask your insurance carrier about the best devices to install in your car to get a reduction on your insurance.
* Having a good credit standing, assures your insurance company that you are not a high risk client as a result, they also give you discounts on your insurance.
* Be sure to have a low mileage, this is because the more you drive, the more potential you have for an auto related accident. For insurance companies, driving less reduces your risk as well as the charges.
* Many New York auto insurance companies offer various forms of insurance. By combining a New York auto insurance quote with New York home insurance quotes, you are likely to get 10-20% off your car insurance quote.
* Military members, whether retired or active, are automatically qualified for special discounts that car insurance companies are offering.
While it isn't easy, you can find cheap New York auto insurance quotes if you take the time to shop around. Start by getting several NY car insurance quotes from different companies to find the best rates and plans for you and your family.