When winter comes you're going to have enough extra expenses weighing down your checking account. You don't need your auto insurance adding to the pressure! Believe it or not, there are hundreds, if not thousands of people out there that watch their auto insurance rates climb every winter. Why? Because Old Man Winter likes to have the last laugh! Here are some easy tips to help you keep your car, your finances and your auto insurance intact until spring.
1) Make sure your liability auto insurance is going to be able to pick up the mess if you are in an accident this winter. Every state has its own policies when it comes to minimum levels of auto insurance, but they all have one thing in common-just enough is almost never enough. Most experts recommend that you carry a minimum of $100,000 per person and $300,000 in bodily injury and $100,000 in property damage insurance.
Just in case.
2) Do you have collision and comprehensive auto insurance coverage on your car? If not, now's the time to pick it up. Liability will take care of the damages to the other vehicles involved in the accident, but it's not going to do anything for your car. Wildlife have their own opinion of where your car ought to be (and where they ought to be riding). Icicles still obey the laws of gravity, and slick, icy roads spell disaster from the word "go".
Since none of these damages are covered by your liability you're going to be left holding the bill while you try to come up with the money and/or financing to buy another car. Nobody wants to be without wheels that long! Comprehensive and/or collision auto insurance coverage will pick up the slack and get you back on the road in a flash.
3) How are your winter driving skills? If you've been living up north for a while you're probably used to the challenges of winter driving, but when it only snows one week out of the year there's no reason to put a whole lot of thought into cold weather driving. When you're out on the roads in inclement weather make sure you slow down, give yourself extra following distance and accelerate more slowly than you normally would.
Keep in mind that taking a driver's improvement class will automatically lower your auto insurance rates any time of the year, and these classes offer a great chance to pick the brains of experienced winter drivers that can help you gear up for the winter driving challenges you're going to be facing. Remember, the best way you can keep your auto insurance rates down this winter is to avoid getting into an accident in the first place!
4) Have you put snow tires on your car? If you have, you could be eligible for extra discounts through your auto insurance provider. Snow tires, air bags and seat belts can save you 10% or more on your auto insurance rates.
Winter can be hard on your auto insurance, but it doesn't have to be. Drive safe, be alert and discuss your discount options with your insurance agent, and you'll weather the winter just fine.