When you need a New York car insurance quote, do you understand the different types of coverages that are included and how each one protects you? Many of us do not read the details or realize what each coverage is that's included in your NY auto insurance quote. Most of us have up to 6 types of auto insurance included in your New York car insurance quote.
Almost all polcies include Bodily Injury Liability. This is the most important one to have. It provides protection for you as well as others on your policy in the event of an accident in your car or in other people's cars. If you don't have this, all of the costs and fees for all legal actions will have to be paid by you.
It should be no surprise what Property Damage Liability covers. Any time there's an accident between you and an immoveable object such as a mailbox or telephone pole, your property damage liability will cover it. This would have been helpful the last time that I ran into an oyster sorter with the back of my car. But the oyster sorter ended up just fine but my rear end was pretty beat up.
Personal injury insurance provides insurance protection for injuries that result from an accident. Your coverage is dependent on the type and amount of coverage you have and PIP can cover you for medical expenses as well as possible lost wages or earnings during that time period for both you and the others that were in the car.
You need collision damage insurance when you have an accident or hit another object and even if your automobile is damaged from running over potholes. When you select this type of insurance, you need to choose a deductible level. In the event of an accident, you pay the deductible amount first and then the insurance company will pay any additional costs. Collision insurance is expensive and may not be worth the cost for older cars. The general idea for considering dropping this and/or collision is to multiply the cost of this type of insurance times ten and if it's more than the value of your automobile you ought to think about dropping this form of insurance.
Comprehensive is another form of insurance that includes a deductible. This is the type of coverage that covers your vehicle from all types of accidents that aren't with another vehicle. Comprehensive will protect your vehicle from damage to it that isn't from another car or if it's stolen. Other damage could come from earthquakes, falling items such as tree branches or damage during a windstorm. Like Collision, you might want to consider eliminating this if you've got an older car.
Since more drivers are canceling their auto insurance, you may want to consider Underinsured/Unisured Motorist Coverage which will make sure you have the protection you need if you have an accident and the other party isn't covered. You have an accident and an underinsured driver is at fault and there's substantial damage to your car but the driver of that vehicle has no or little insurance, you and your vehicle will still have the coverage that you need. Comprehensive insurance also covers you if you were to hit a pedestrian (we don't recommend it!).
With this information, when you look for a New York auto insurance quote, you are better able to understand exactly what you are being offered. Now, you can choose only the insurance that you need and cut out the coverage you don't need. You want to make sure that your New York car insurance quotes give you substantial coverage but at an affordable price.