Once you get a New York auto insurance quote, do you really know what you might be getting for insurance and how it works?It is not surprising is you are not sure about what is included. The are six basic forms of coverage that could be documented within your New York auto insurance quotes.
One that is listed in nearly all policies is Bodily Injury Liability. It is a critical one to have. It covers you and other people on your policy within the cars. Its most important benefit comes if you are in an accident and get sued. Without it, you will have to locate the funds to take care of the case.
Property damage liability is as the name implies. The next time that you run into a telephone pole or the neighbor's mailbox, this is the one that covers you.
PIP, or Personal injury protection, deals with injuries that occur from an accident. Depending within the kind and amount of coverage that you have, it can cover lost wages, medical bills and other expenses for you plus the others in the vehicle at the time on the accident.
Collision insurance handles your vehicle when it is in an incident, hits something and even damage from potholes. This type of insurance policy has a deductible of your choosing. You pay out the expense up to your deductible and then the insurance firm will cover above everything above that. This kind of insurance is one thing you may consider dropping on an older vehicle. The rule of thumb is if the price of collision (and/or comprehensive) multiplied by 10 is greater than the value of your automobile, it might be worth dropping.
Comprehensive, like collision, also has a deductible. This coverage is pretty much the umbrella insurance for all other items that can happen to your automobile. Common ones include theft or destruction which is caused by anything other than a automobile. Earthquakes, falling objects such as tree branches and windstorms are examples of this. This coverage also addresses destruction to windshields. Again, for older cars, look at dropping this coverage.
Uninsured/Underinsured motorist coverage is insurance if you have an incident with an uninsured motorists. If they are at fault and your auto is damaged and they don't have enough insurance policy to cover all of the costs, you will still be covered. It will also cover you if you hit a pedestrian.
The next time which you need to have New York auto insurance quotes, you can now understand what is being offered. That way, you can choose the items that you need and eliminate the others that are not worthwhile. Having the right insurance in your NY auto insurance quotes is critical to keeping both you, your car and your loved ones safe when driving.