It is no longer a mystery that people shop for cheap auto insurance quotes to get the best deal. Up until the last decade, people would often go with whatever their parents had for insurance and always stay with it. There is certainly nothing wrong with that. However, like many Americans, living on one income or a very tight budget makes it necessary to investigate every option for saving money. One way to do this is to shop cheap auto insurance quotes.
1. Check with the company you are already with.
Before going through the hassle of checking and switching to other companies, check with who you have insurance through just to be sure you are getting the best they have to offer. Ensure you and are not missing any discounts you should be receiving.
This is especially important if you have other insurance products with them. If you are supposed to be receiving a multi-policy discount and they didn't add it, you could save as much as 40%. If they have made this mistake, often they will try to backdate it at least to your last renewal.
A word of warning: Do not agree to stay because they dropped all your limits and removed the extra benefits like roadside assistance or rental car coverage. You might get cheap auto insurance quotes through them this way; however, it will be your disadvantage when you discover you have to pay out of pocket for injury or damage because you had minimal protection.
2. Check online quotes through the websites of some of the top companies.
A search engine will bring up all the top companies if you search car insurance quotes. Going to each individual company's websites and doing the quote through them will give you some degree of accuracy, provided you fill their forms out thoroughly.
Choosing one of them affords you the advantage of confidence you have a reputable company. It is also helpful to use main companies if you need life insurance or home insurance. Most of the top companies will have a number of insurance options and bundling will give you cheap auto insurance quotes.
3. Check with a "one form for many companies" website.
These websites provide you a way to put in some initial information and then give you multiple possible cheap auto insurance quotes to check. The only downside to this is that it is a very general estimate. You will have to be sure you enter as many details as you have so the cheap auto insurance quotes comes out closer to what the rate really will be.
Don't be limited to just your parent's original insurance provider. Make sure you are getting the best deal by checking a few other options to find wiggle room in your budget.