If you live in Florida and you have been shopping for auto insurance, you realize that it isn't cheap. However, there are tips you can follow to take the bite out of the premium amounts you get on quotes. Cheap auto insurance in Florida might take some time to obtain, but by following simple rules, you can get to that in no time.
1. For your first policy, start with the minimum required, but include at least $10k in Bodily Injury (BIL).
Florida requires $10k for Property Damage Liability (PDL) and $10k for Personal Injury Protection (PIP). The BIL might be required of you in certain circumstances, but even if you are not one of those people, you need to add it.
Understand that it will impact your cheap auto insurance in Florida for the worse in the first six months. However, if you bite the bullet and do that, you can shop when it gets close to your renewal date and find better cheap auto insurance in Florida. This is because you will then be receiving a "responsible driver" type of discount for carrying decent protection.
2. Your second cheap auto insurance in Florida should include higher BI limits.
Once you get to the point of carrying minimum BI, you should gradually increase those limits either on every renewal or at least once a year.
The higher your BI limits, the bigger your "responsible driver" discount will be. Once you have reached the $50k range of BI protection, you are going to notice that you are getting better rates than you did back when you started with the lowest insurance.
That is one reason why you should bite the bullet and pay a little more in the beginning. The second best reason to carry and increase your BI is so that you are less likely to be sued and have a financial meltdown because you did not have enough protection for a serious accident.
3. You can supplement these tips on reducing the cost of good cheap auto insurance in Florida.
The two best ways to assist low rates are to maintain a great driving record and do not place any claims unless they are absolutely necessary. Once you get to the point of cheap auto insurance in Florida with great protection, you can use a claim up every now and then without hurting yourself too badly (no more than one in a three-five year period).
These three secret tips will help you grow your protection while shrinking your cost and eventually it will be very easy for you to maintain cheap, but really good, auto insurance in Florida.