As a woman you will want to be sure you have the best protection when you are on the road. If you have purchased a vehicle for yourself, you should be very proud of your efforts. To ensure that you find the right cheap auto insurance quote, check these important points for clarification.
1. Do you want to cover damage to your car from storms, theft, and accidents you cause?
If the answer is yes, on your cheap auto insurance quote you will need to include Collision and Comprehensive coverage. Those two options will require you to choose a deductible, and this would be the amount you are responsible to pay if you have a claim. A higher deductible will cause your rate to be less expensive, but you don't want the deductible so high that you cannot pay it.
In addition, you will want to be sure it is worth the money to have Collision and Comprehensive. Look up the value of your car with NADA or Kelly Blue Book and then when you do your quote, calculate the cost of the Collision and Comprehensive coverage over the course of a year. If it is much more costly for the coverage than the value of the car, you would be better off to take that savings on the coverage and put it in a savings account. As you build up your savings account, should you have a loss, you can then take the savings to buy another car.
2. Roadside Assistance, Towing and Labor, and Rental Car coverage: Is it necessary?
Many insurance companies will provide either an assistance program if your car is disable on the side of the road, or a reimbursement option to pay back your receipt of towing. Obviously the roadside assistance is going to be much more convenient, but it might cost a few dollars more. As a woman traveling alone, it is important that you do have some kind of assistance you can call. If your insurance company doesn't offer it, check into AAA.
Rental car coverage would be very helpful to have when you do include Collision and Comprehensive coverage on your cheap auto insurance quote. This will ensure that if you have a claim and it will be a few weeks or longer for repairs to be completed, you will have a benefit that pays part or all of your rental car replacement. This coverage usually is $10 or less per month, but it will save you hundreds if you ever need it.
3. Bodily Injury and Property Damage Liability (BI/PD)
This is going to be required to have a vehicle registered in your state. Your state sets the minimum limit that you are required to carry, but you can always carry more to better protect yourself. Unless you are a first-time insured, giving yourself more protection will not cost that much; but you will then be less likely to experience financial hardship.
Always be sure to include proper protection on your cheap auto insurance quote. If you are ever in doubt, you can always call the company to go over your options. Being a woman on the road, you want to be sure you are protected to the best you can on your cheap auto insurance quote. Don't compromise coverage for cost.