Mexican Insurance is reporting the #1 legal and insurance problems relating to Mexican Auto Insurance for Motorists driving to Mexico on vacation. In Mexico, Napoleonic Law dictates that you are guilty until proven innocent, the complete opposite of English Common Law, where innocence is presumed until one is found guilty. The consequences of NOT carrying proper auto coverage can mean jail time in Mexico.
Everyday Mexican Car Insurance Predicaments:
1. Forgetting to Purchase Mexican Insurance
U.S. and Canadian auto insurance is NOT recognized in Mexico. Vacationers that don't have auto insurance in Mexico and have an accident may spend many hours or days in jail and have their vehicle confiscated.
2. Not Purchasing Medical Evacuation Coverage for Emergencies
Mexico can be a dangerous place to be without emergency medical assistance. Most U.S. health insurance is not valid in Mexico.
3. Searching for Mexican Auto Insurance
Experienced travelers recommend that you purchase Mexican auto insurance before arriving in Mexico with your vehicle. Although Mexican insurance can be purchased from various booths just prior to entering Mexico, you will have difficulty evaluating if your policy is from a quality company approved and admitted in Mexico, if you have the quality coverage for your trip, if any activities that you plan to do are excluded, or if you even price for the policy was the best value?
4. Legal Aid and Bond
This is a section that travelers need to understand. Any Mexican Insurance policy should include Legal Assistance and also coverage for the expense of a bail bond.
5.) When you buy coverage, you should receive the following to take with you on your trip:
* Authentic and recognized Mexican insurance policy * Accident instructions and essential policy information * Important phone numbers * Credit Card Payment receipt
Make sure your policy covers your entire trip. Many insurance companies have day, week, and yearly policies. You may find it its a better value to buy coverage over a longer period if your trip is over 22 days or a month.