Auto insurance companies can be very different from one company to the next. Be certain to research the many discount companies that exist in order to get the best rates. Searching for car insurance for most people is not high on the list of favorite things to do, and if it is then it is time to get out of the house more often
However, the main reason that searching for insurance is not fun is due to the monotony of calling each of the auto insurance companies and repeating the same information each time just get a quote. But the really amazing part of obtaining a quote is that even though many are in the same price range, others can vary by hundreds of dollars.
Are all affordable car insurance companies so unique that they can justify such a large price variance, and what determines the quality of one provider over another? Is the lowest price always the one you should lock in?
One important point to consider about car insurance companies is they normally are underwritten by a larger provider. This means the company that you contact is really not issuing the insurance or taking any risk. A parent or larger company underwrites your policy for a specified amount, thus the car insurance companies act like a middlemen. The smaller company works to find clients, like yourself, and then they process your policy, deal with any claims, etc. However in reality a parent company actual provides your coverage.
As such, insurance companies that purchase insurance policies "manufactured" by the parent company can set the selling price as they see fit. For instance, in order to earn more profit, company A will sell at a much higher rate than company B. These pricing practices take place on a regular basis within many car insurance companies.
This often happens with car insurance companies. One may have more costs than another; they might be a bigger company so they have more personnel to support, whereas another larger company can charge less because they have more business.
Moreover, if one company decides to process your quote using a smaller deductible while another company uses a much higher deductible, the higher deductible translates into a much lower rate. Many auto insurance companies make assumptions about customer needs during the quote process in terms of insurance coverage amounts and deductibles.
As such, you must let your agent know what coverage amount and what deductible you want so you can do a correct comparison between companies. If you don not do an apple to apple comparison you will discover two contrasting prices from two different companies. Therefore, in reality, you are merely obtaining a quote on two completely different packages.
Lastly, it is important to shop as many auto insurance companies as you can especially those who provide free quotes and a flexible program to fit your individual needs. It may take a little more time but will be worth it when making your final decision.