Using cheap auto insurance coverage can make fiscal sense in times when the economy takes a bit of a nose dive, such as these days. In most cases, expending a bit of effort to find a quality, but cheap, insurance policy, written by a decent agency, can be worth the time taken to do so. In fact, at least a couple hundred per year could be saved by reconfiguring insurance policies. Remember a few things, though.
For starters, never fail to do some basic research on the company that will be offering the coverage. It should be licensed to do business in the state in which the policy will go into effect, for one thing. Sometimes, it's a sad fact that some companies might not actually be allowed to do so. This is mainly because agents writing the policy failed to ensure the company was still allowed to underwrite a policy.
Also, always check up on any consumer ratings the agency and the insurance provider has received in the past. Most local better business bureaus or chambers of commerce can help with this item. Face it: There are more than a few less-than-savory agencies and insurance companies out there who will be glad to take money, give out a policy, and then disappear when the time comes to service it.
Also, go onto the Internet and make use of any one of several policy evaluator and comparison websites. In them, a consumer can enter a few basic pieces of information such as miles per year the car will be driven, and the age of the driver (for example) and then evaluate the various examples of policies.
It's funny that shoppers of insurance are shocked when getting back rate quotes which sometimes vary significantly from company to company. They wouldn't be, though, if risk and the way in which it's evaluated were better understood. Companies have their own methods for looking at risk and then underwriting an insurance policy, to be honest.
Once a good policy at a good price is found, always get any quote from the company or agent in writing before paying out any money. And make sure the terms in the insurance binder are spelled out clearly and concisely. Additionally, check that the right amount of insurance coverage is being provided, as some states have minimum requirements which have to be met. Lastly, find out if there's a waiting period. Some policies can take up to 72 hours before they go into effect.
Making cheap auto insurance work can become a vital activity when it comes to cutting costs and conserving cash. This is especially so in economically-challenged times, such as the present. This isn't usually an issue for concern, as long as the policy given is worth the money put out to get it.