Have you ever had your car break down on vacation and found yourself left holed up in a hotel room for days on end with nothing to do because you had no vehicle and no readily available resources to find a rental? Imagine how much worse that would be if you were traveling in an RV and were involved in an accident. Since you never want to actually have to live that game of "what if", make sure your RV is covered by a good auto insurance policy before you go on vacation.
Although dedicated campers (the kind that only bring a thermos of water and some clothes and let Mother Nature provide the rest) would argue that camping in an RV isn't really camping, the bottom line is that it can be a great deal of fun to see the United States from the inside of a motor home. You've got all the comforts of home without the repetitive scenery! Unfortunately, traveling in a motor home rather than a car also means that if anything happens to your RV you're going to be left without wheels and without a place to sleep.
That's why you really want to make sure you're covered by a good auto insurance policy.
Purchasing heavy duty auto insurance will help you get your RV repaired and back on the road as quickly as possible after its been damaged in an accident. Most auto insurance providers will allow you to add your RV onto your family policy and enjoy those same levels of protection; however, that might not be your best bet (although it pays to do your homework and find out). When you're behind the wheel of an RV you want to make sure you've got the liability, comprehensive and collision coverage you need to protect you if you're in an accident, and those levels of coverage are likely to be higher than the ones you have for your car.
A specialized RV insurance policy will go a long way toward giving you the coverage you need at a price you can afford. To find cheap auto insurance for your RV, use the same shopping techniques you'd use if you were shopping around for your commuter vehicle. Get as many auto insurance quotes from multiple insurance companies as possible (the Internet offers you a great way to do this without spending hours on the phone) and make sure you ask about discounts. Keep your driving record clean and your credit score high.
Finding cheap auto insurance for your RV won't be as difficult as you think.
The important thing to remember is that to get the best value out of your RV (and stop disaster before it has a chance to begin, much less ruin your vacation!) it's important to keep your motor home in good repair. Make sure your tires are properly inflated, your awning and air conditioner are in working order and your oil is changed regularly. Repairs to an RV are going to cost you more than it costs to get an annual tune-up, so let your mechanic work his (or her) magic at least once a year.
With a good auto insurance policy backing you up and a well oiled, fine-tuned RV under your fingers you'll be able to kick back and enjoy the beauty of America's highways in style without having to worry about which highway is going to be your last.