If you're a homeowner or have a car, you already know that having home and auto insurance is a must to protect your property against claims for damage or liability. In fact, you probably couldn't even borrow the money to buy your home or care unless you showed proof of insurance. But like everyone else, you bought your home insurance policy when you purchased your home and the same for your car.
If you are like most people, you've never looked at your home insurance policy again after you purchased your house save for the periodic notices of increase in premiums. Or, unless disaster strikes and you need to make a claim. You probably never really looked at your auto insurance after buying your car either, except to grumble at the high premiums.
The majority of people will shop around for the best rates at the time they need the insurance, but never consider bundling home and auto insurance. What most people aren't aware of is that you can save quite a bit of money by insuring both your home and your auto with the same company. Sometimes, this can amount to a savings of 15% in premiums. Over the course of several years, this savings can be tremendous.
The ability to bundle together your home and auto insurance and save big time is not something that most insurance agents would want to share with clients. The downside to them is obvious: reduced commissions since the premiums are typically much lower. This requires you to actively pursue this option with your agent or insurance company.
If you're unsure about whether it makes sense to combine your home and auto insurance with a single company, you can start off by asking your current insurer and find out if they offer this and ask for a quote if you switch. Most insurance companies want your business and will be glad to give you a better rate for keeping both coverages with them.
If you're serious about wanting to save money on your home and auto insurance, consider using an online insurance rate comparison site. These sites typically have you fill out a questionnaire regarding your property and cars you want to insure and then generate quotes from different companies that you can then contact for further information. This is a quick and easy way to find out what products are available and what your average costs can be.
The most attractive aspect of researching rates using an online rate comparison service is that you can manipulate the variables to get a better idea of what coverages you can expect at what rates for different companies. This is particularly useful if you are considering things like installing an in-home alarm system or are considering purchasing a second car. In addition, you can input different deductibles to get an idea of the savings in premiums. Taking the time to perform this little exercise can result in savings for years to come.