It's vital that if you are driving without auto insurance that you understand the risks that you're taking. When you choose to operate a motor vehicle on the road without insurance not only are you taking your own life in hand, but you're also taking everything you own and putting it at risk.
In other words, your medical bills may not be covered if you get in an accident, and someone may sue you if you have caused an accident or damage personal property. This means that they can take everything that you own leaving you with bills and the possibility of losing your home and being destitute.
In the United States, every state has liability limits and insurance limits that you must purchase in order to be legal to drive on state and local roads. This means that if you are pulled over for any reason and cannot show proof of some sort of vehicle insurance, there's a good chance that you will be fined. In some cases your vehicle will be impounded, you'll lose your driving privileges and you will go to jail. It's vital that you understand your state laws as far as vehicle insurance to avoid having this happen to you.
It's easy to get insurance, and there are many different types of policies that are available. This means that it's vital when you're shopping for insurance for your vehicles that you shop around. Each one of the policies are going to differ just a bit, so make sure you read through and know what you're covered for.
Also, you want to make sure that any insurance that your purchasing is the type that is needed within your own state. It doesn't make much sense to purchase insurance that does not have the liability limits within your state.
If you are driving without vehicle insurance, you are taking major risks. Not only can you be fined, but if you are in an accident without insurance, the whole accident can be legally blamed on you. Your state laws probably differ a bit from other state laws, find your state insurance vehicle insurance laws and then make sure you purchase the appropriate insurance to cover you, anyone in your vehicle, your assets, and your vehicle.
It doesn't take much to find out what it would cost to be covered with vehicle insurance, free quotes are available all over the Internet and are available within minutes.