When you take a look on the statistics of teenage drivers, they are not that good. According to the IIHS, which is the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, more teenagers get into accidents than any of the other drivers that are between the ages of thirty and fifty nine. In fact, it is said that a sixteen year old is six times more likely to get into an accident. With that said, if you are a teenager, even if you are a defensive driver, you are paying. If you are a teenager and you try to open up an insurance policy for your automobile, you may be paying a lot. As we continue this article, we would like to give you some auto insurance advice for teens.
You should take note that not every car insurance company out there has this view on those young drivers.
Some of them actually give discounts to certain teens. Remember, those individuals that are a higher risk will have a higher insurance premium. Would you like some suggestions to help you and your teenager get cheap, affordable auto insurance?
First of all, it will all start at being free of violations for awhile. You should help your teenager learn the laws. The best way to lower that premium would be to have a clean driving record. You should know the law and insist that they follow them. Are you a parent that breaks the speed limit or tailgates? If so, then you are not setting a good example. You should learn how to set a good example for your teenager.
Instead of setting your teenager up on their policy, you may want to consider setting them up on your policy. Did you know that there are some insurance companies out there that offer discounts to those teenagers that have good grades?
Generally, a GPA that is 3. 0 or higher will help reduce the premium that has to be paid. Another technique that helps to lower the premium would be taking the driver education course.
In the end of this article about auto insurance advice for teens, we would like to get parents involved with their teenagers. Feel free to ride with your teen every now and then in order to see how they drive. Yes, your teen was a safe driver last year, but is he or she still following those rules? Take note of everything he or she does as they are driving and confront them at home.