Do you know what you're looking for when you go shopping for auto insurance quotes? Most people know that they're supposed to shop around to get the best deal on their auto insurance, but they don't realize that getting a good deal on their auto insurance involves a lot more than just dollars and cents. You have to know what you're covered for, when you're covered and how much they're going to pay if you're in an accident.
Ladies and gentlemen, not all auto insurance quotes are created equal.
The first thing you want to look at when you're shopping for insurance quotes is what they're willing to cover. There are four main types of auto insurance, and to be truly protected out on the road you're going to want to have them all in some form or another.
1) Liability - This is what's going to pay for medical treatment for the other people involved as well as any property unlucky enough to get in the way. Most experts recommend that you carry a minimum of $100,000 a person and $300,000 an accident.
2) Comprehensive - Acts of God. Tree branches crashing down, icicles shattering your windshield. You can't prevent it, but the damage it can do to your vehicle can be murder. Very expensive murder. Comprehensive will pick up the tab so you don't have to worry about it.
3) Collision - Did you know that if you're in an accident and you only have liability coverage you're going to be completely responsible for paying for repairs to your car? A lot of drivers think having liability leaves them covered if they're in an accident. Needless to say, there are a lot of drivers out there without wheels right now!
4) Uninsured Motorist - Do you have any idea how many drivers are out on the road without auto insurance these days? The numbers would leave you shocked and appalled! Most states have an uninsured driver rate of 15% and climbing. That means if you happen to have an accident with any member of that 15% you're going to spend years trying to get back the money for your repairs. With uninsured motorist insurance your insurance company will pay to get you back on the road as quickly as possible.
Pro Tip: It's tempting to opt for minimum liability coverage and not much else if you're driving a second hand clunker around town, but unless you really can afford to live without it if you're in an accident it's almost always a better idea to spend the extra money for complete auto insurance coverage.
The next thing you want to know is when you'll be covered. For example, how many of your auto insurance quotes include coverage if someone else has to borrow your car? Many auto insurance companies will cover an accident if there's another driver 25 or older driving your vehicle, but they'll leave you high and dry if anyone younger is behind the wheel. And what's their policy on damages that accrue out of state?
Finally, how much coverage is being offered? Most auto insurance quotes are for the minimum level of coverage the company can get away with offering. Those numbers climb when you start looking for a policy that's actually going to cover you if you're in a ten car pile-up! Make sure your coverage limits will do their job so you can do yours.