Do you know what's really stopping you from getting the amazingly cheap auto insurance rates you deserve? Most people don't, which is why almost nobody actually LIKES their insurer. They almost always believe their auto insurance companies are responsible for over-charging them for their coverage. The good news is, it doesn't have to go like that! There are five simple steps you can take to dramatically lower the cost of your insurance.
Step Number One: Clean Up Your Driving Record
It's really, really easy to add blemishes to your driving record. A moment of inattention while you're cruising down the highway and you've got a speeding ticket with your name on it. That speeding ticket, or an accident, or some other kind of traffic violation, and the negative points on your record can send your auto insurance rates soaring. The best thing you can do to find-and keep-cheap insurance is to pay attention when you're going down the highway.
Step Number Two: Choose Carefully When You're Buying a New Car
The Highway Loss Data Institute tracks the makes and models of cars involved in accidents, thefts and traffic violations each year. Those cars are almost immediately charged more for insurance, so it pays to know what you're getting into before you go shopping. The HLDI publishes their findings each year on their website. Check it out before you go shopping, and you'll already be in the fast lane for great savings on your insurance coverage.
Step Number Three: Hurry Up and Wait
It doesn't matter how good a driver you are, if you're under 25 you're going to be spending more for insurance. Cheap insurance almost always comes with age, because by that point they believe you're reliable enough to respond appropriately to emergency situations out on the highway. And when you're finally old enough to bid a fond farewell to the morning commute and avoid the mess that is rush hour and enjoy the pleasures of retirement you'll be able to watch those numbers go tumbling down again.
Step Number Four: Shop Around
Shopping for auto insurance is aggravating. It's time consuming. It may seem like more of a hassle than it's worth. But since not all auto insurance companies are created equal it's impossible to be sure you're getting the best possible rates of your insurance without searching around to see what your best deal is going to be.
Step Number Five: Get Your Discounts
Finally, let's talk about discounts. There are literally hundreds of things that can save you money on your auto insurance, and if you're not getting all of the ones you're entitled to you're paying way too much for your coverage. Talk to your auto insurance agent to see what savings you might be eligible for. You might be amazed at what can save you money-and what can literally knock hundreds of dollars off your auto insurance rates.