Auto insurance without a license, which is indeed possible to obtain in more than a few states, is something that a responsible person who intends to register a vehicle (and some states do allow a vehicle to be registered even if the person owning the vehicle doesn't have a drivers license. This doesn't mean that a bank has to extend a loan for a motor vehicle to a person without a license, just that the state in many cases will allow a car to be registered.
The first thing to keep in mind about car insurance is that it is mandatory to have such coverage in every state in the union these days. It used to be the case that several western states and a few states down in the southeast of the country didn't have laws on the books which mandated mandatory coverage but that's all changed in the last 20 years.
Also, it might be a little difficult to find an insurance company that's willing to insure a car for somebody who doesn't have a drivers license. There are special programs that several companies run and also a few programs run by several states that have what are called "assigned risk" pools, but it's still going to be more than a little difficult to find such insurance.
The first thing to do, is to go online and use the power of the Internet to find such insurance. It's a matter of opening up a search engine and entering in the phrase "obtaining auto insurance without a license." This phrase is sure to return several thousand or more "hits" though many may not have anything to do with finding such auto insurance.
It's reasonable, though, to assume that one will be able to find at least 7 to 10 sources for such insurance within the first four or five search engine pages, so don't despair, because there is a likelihood of success. Usually, such policies will be issued in conjunction with another person who has a license verifying that they'll be willing to be responsible call-signatories.
What this means is that the other person is agreeing basically supervise or oversee the activities surrounding the use of the motor vehicle that's going to be ensured and that they will also guarantee that the person who has registered the vehicle but does not yet have a drivers license will not be operating the vehicle.
Penalties for those who fraudulently register a vehicle and do not have a valid drivers license in the state that doesn't permit such registrations without a drivers license can be severe, and are sometimes classified as criminal offenses. It is often better to work to get a drivers license rather than try to register and get auto insurance without a license.