Some people enjoy traveling around the world and seeing other cultures different than our own. Some who travel a lot may even choose to stay in a certain country for an extended period of time to live there and truly experience the culture.
However for people interested in this kind of travelling the question of transport will undoubtedly come up. So renting or purchasing a vehicle it probably going to be a must and so will be international auto insurance.
Most Americans with auto insurance will find that they are not insured outside of the US, for this reason it is essential that one contact their insurer in order to verify whether their actual policy does or does not cover them abroad.
Geico, which started out in the beginning only ensuring government and military employs is one company that happens to offer its clients International auto insurance.
Basically what they do is locate a local insurance company in the country where the person in question will be staying. Obviously you could do this yourself however you wouldn't have the contacts they have and so you could end up getting ripped off, not to mention it could be a whole load of hassle especially if you don't speak the language.
International auto insurance is made easier when people deal with Geico. Geico now sells insurance to everyone in the US and not only government employees. They are very customer friendly and competitively priced.
Other international auto insurance companies available
AIG is one more big name in the international auto insurance game. Like Geico AIG also runs all of their international auto insurance through a subsidiary, in this case by the name of American International underwriters.
These days AIG additionally offer folks who are now actively living in a particular country full-time special plans for their situation, to learn more about this check out AIG's website and if necessary contact them.
Both of these companies are heavily used by Americans in need of international auto insurance, nevertheless there are of course other smaller companies out there that may or may not do a good job.
When dealing with the two Giants GEICO and AIG you will undoubtedly find that for the most part they will be very similar price and service wise, still it won't hurt to get quotes from both companies and compare each detail.
Getting your international auto insurance from a company with a long and proven track record is a real must, after all you have to be sure you really will be 100% covered before you start driving in a foreign country.