Providing the best Pennsylvania senior auto insurance discounts is as simple as having good staff who have a genuine concern for clients. At Williams Agency you'll see that our clients give us the highest grades for finding them discounts, settling claims and overall communication and service.
If you've had the same insurance company for years, you've sent them a pretty clear message that you "trust" what they're doing. Most new clients who we deal with tell us that this is the first time they've compared prices in years and they're shocked at the savings. Seems that the average agent has little concern for long term clients leaving and has taken advantage of the "friendship" or "loyalty" card and is secure in the thought that you won't be shopping around. So...put things into agents work on commission. This means the more you pay the more we make. Why would an agent cut his/her own paycheck? My answer is "to keep clients spreading the good word" however, many agents aren't of this same school of thought. Unfortunate for those agents because times are changing and the economy has almost everyone searching for ways to hang on to some of their money.
So, you've got several options to saving money on your Pennsylvania auto insurance or finding more Pennsylvania senior auto insurance discounts.
1. Have you taken the 55 alive driving course yet? If not you need to contact the local senior center or drivers licensing office and find out when it is being offered. This program alone can earn you a minimum of 5% discount on your premium.
2. Does your company even offer a "rewards program" for mature drivers? We search the market for companies that reward seniors for their experience and safe driving.
3. Be sure your agent knows that the vehicle is no longer used for travel to and from work, the discounts for this type of use can be substantial.
4. Does your auto insurance company also insure your home ? Even if they do not insure your home, many of our companies give you a discount just for owning a home. BE sure you've asked if this discount is available.
5. Go over your limits of coverage on "income loss" if you're retired and would not lose any income as a result of an accident you may be paying for a coverage that you couldn't even use. Don't "assume" that the agent knows about this until you've confirmed it with them.
6. Get your new quote "early" well in advance of your policy's renewal date. We have companies that will give seniors discounts up to 17% just for being responsible enough to shop early, before the policy is due.
7. Be sure to check the medical expense limit on your policy. Medicare will take over the expenses after you've reached the mandatory 5,000 in coverage required by Pa auto insurance regulations. No need to carry limits in excess of 5,000 as long as you know medicare will pay the bill.
These few suggestions should help you identify the discounts you may be missing out on with your Pennsylvania auto insurance. Feel free to contact my office if you have any additional questions on Pennsylvania senior auto insurance discounts. My staff will be glad to help you find every bit of savings you're entitled to.
For more information on Pennsylvania senior auto insurance discounts you can call us at 1-800-392-5621 or visit our website.