Considering we are obligated by our state law to pay for auto insurance every year, we might as well invest some time into learning how to save money on it. Considering that most drivers will have to pay at least 35 years' worth of auto insurance over the lifetime, knocking down just $200 per year will accumulate into $7000 in savings over the driving lifetime. That said using Progressive auto as your auto insurance company already puts you on the right track.
Shop around for the best offer - if you were not aware of this, you should try it out ASAP as this method alone will save you a fortune considering that most auto insurance companies are designed so that they are giving the best offers to new customers so switch the auto insurance company every year
Pay as you drive insurance - this can be ordered from Progressive auto as well, just make sure to drive as relaxed as you can over the duration of 30 days that you will have a Snapshot device installed in your car as it will track how many times you hit the brakes hard, how many times you driven between midnight and 4 in the morning as well as the total traveled mileage
Lower your mileage - speaking of mileage, look into alternatives that will help you lower it, carpooling, public transport, biking and walking will help you do this and you will be rewarded with the discount
Use special offers - this is where Progressive auto really comes to shine as it not only offers huge loyalty bonuses to their current customers but also rewards good students, drivers who successfully completed defensive driving course, drivers who used web only offers, drivers who added one more car to the insurance policy or another product (home insurance for example) etc.
The method is simple but the execution was complex. Or to be more precise it was complex till a few years back. Now, in the year of 2015 when we have access to a sea of information over the internet shopping around for auto insurance was never easier. All you need to do in order to get started is find a good comparison website. It should allow you to compare the quotes and prices of various auto insurance companies like Progressive auto, All State etc. all at one site. Ideally the site will have all of the big auto insurance companies listed. This will make your part of the job a lot easier and faster.
So once you have found the site you are planning to use, you will need to have your current auto insurance policy handy. Usually these comparisons sites will ask you to provide them with the data of your current policy as that is the data they will use to compare the quotes of other companies. Also, if the comparison site that you are using is missing any of the big players (Progressive auto is a good example) always go to the company's site manually and ask for a quote. Once you have all the quotes together, compare them and find the best one. Sometimes it will be the most affordable offer and other times it will be the one that is the best fit for you as a driver!