When you're searching for the best rates on auto insurance, the first step is determining how much car insurance you actually need. If you end up talking to a car insurance agent when you first begin your search, you're likely to be led towards an expensive policy - and paying for more protection than you truly need. Finding out what each auto insurance provider offers will take some time to research and evaluate, but you'll be much better off in the long run.
Personal injury protection, bodily injury liability, and collision coverage are just a few options for car insurance but you don't always need everything. Here's what you need to know about each option available from your car insurance provider:
Collision and Comprehensive Coverage for Car Insurance
Collision and comprehensive coverage can cost up to 40% of your total car insurance premium, and will depend on the actual value of your car. These can help with any repairs or parts required after an accident, and can increase the value of your car as a result. In most cases, choosing the highest deductible is your best option, especially if your car is a newer make or model. If you lease your car, you will probably be required to purchase comprehensive car insurance coverage as part of your premium.
Property Damage Liability Coverage for Auto Insurance
If you get into an accident that involves someone else's property, your car will be covered for a certain amount as a result of the accident. Each State has a minimum coverage amount for this, and most insurance providers recommend a minimum of $50,000 of protection.
Bodily Injury Liability Coverage for Car Insurance
If you get into an accident, this type of coverage ensures you'll be protected against any lawsuits that may arise from your auto accident. No matter how good of a driver you may be, you're still at risk for auto accidents that are the fault of another driver. This type of protection makes it easy for you to protect personal assets that may be at risk after an accident.
Uninsured Motorist Protection - Is it Worth It?
If you are involved in an accident with a driver without auto insurance, you'll be well-protected when you elect this type of coverage. This coverage also covers bike and pedestrian accidents, and is usually very affordable. It's an easy addition to your yearly premium that will help you stay protected.
Personal Injury Protection - Do You Need It?
Personal injury protection helps you cover any medical and funeral costs incurred after an accident, but if you already have quality health insurance, you will rarely need to use this. Make sure your health insurance plan does cover auto accident-related costs, and only buy this if you absolutely need it.
Choosing the right auto insurance coverage can be challenging, but you can educate yourself on the different plans available before requesting a car insurance quote. Car insurance quotes vary significantly by insurance company, so take the time to narrow down your search by picking the right coverage and protection plans first.