Parents and a Teenager’s Auto Insurance Policy

Parents and a Teenager’s Auto Insurance PolicyParents and teenagers often disagree on a number of issues, but saving money on car insurance is one issue that they should agree on. Many times, it’s the parent that is paying for the premium charges and the teenage driver isn’t too worried about the expense. It’s not until the parent sits down with their child and explains the process of purchasing insurance for them and the vehicle, how coverage is decided, and what it takes to pay for the policy that the teen starts to understand the importance of this insurance. Teenage drivers who can grasp the value of the coverage may decide to care more about how safely they are driving, especially when they realize how much accidents cost and affect an insurance premium.

For The Teenage Driver:
Teenagers are placed in a different category of drivers than their parents. When they are ready to be put on a policy, the insurer automatically assumes them to be a high risk driver due to their lack of experience. Don’t take personal offense because this is decided based on the statistics showing teenage drivers being involved in a high number of accidents. If anything, take responsibility and keep your driving record clean, which means free from accidents and traffic tickets. If you can manage to do this for three years, you will begin to see a decrease in your premium rates.

Something a teen driver can do is offer to help pay for your part of the rates as a secondary driver. It becomes an expensive bill as more drivers are added to a policy and parents might offer more flexibility in their rules if they see you trying to make an adult-like effort and taking financial responsibility for your activities. Taking advantage of the good student discount might help lower your price, but you will need to provide proof to the insurer of receiving a B+ average or better each marking period.

can be quite expensive, but when there is a mutual understanding of what is expected between the parent and teen, a higher chance of saving money happens.