These strategies help young American drivers get cheap car insurance by taking advantage of eligible discounts and by learning methods of finding the right company who will offer cheaper rates to the less-experienced youth.
When a youthful driver is looking to get insured, they often turn to their parent’s policy assuming that they will benefit from "multi-car" discounts and offsets in price from other included drivers who have more driving experience. This strategy is one to be considered; however, it’s not always the cheaper way to go because other vehicle premiums may be impacted by the addition because often a carrier will assign the highest risk driver to the highest risk vehicle even though that’s not the one they drive. In other words, a parent’s more valuable vehicle may be paired with the young driver to determine the rate.
To determine if it’s a good choice, parents can contact their current insurer to get a no obligation quote for adding the additional driver. Take note of the total premium prior to any changes and compare it to the total increase after the addition. Be sure look at the total price difference of the policy since a common mistake is to only look at the premium of the vehicle being driven by the youth and not other vehicle’s rates which may also be affected.
Another option is for a young driver to go "solo" and purchase their own policy. This is where the strategy comes into play to ensure the cheapest rates possible.
There are companies out there which offer affordable auto insurance to drivers who are young and inexperienced, but how do you find them? – By comparing quotes from multiple companies! Here’s why: You may hear a parent say that their child got a great rate from a certain company, but when you went to get a quote, it wasn’t the case. This is because there are many factors used to determine rates such as zip code, driving record and much more. Everyone is unique and will most likely be offered cheap car insurance from a different carrier.
Get multiple quotes at the same time to complete a rate comparison:
The Internet is a great way to get multiple auto insurance quotes at the same time in order to see which company will offer that young driver reasonable prices. By answering one set of questions, lets drivers compare quotes online from top companies such as Progressive, AIG, GMAC, Infinity and many other industry leaders.
In order for young drivers to get the cheapest rates possible: