Being a licensed motorist typically coincides with the purchase of car insurance. In numerous states it is illegal to operate a motor vehicle while uninsured, and many motorists are unable to obtain a driver’s license unless they can produce proof of insurance. Buying adequate vehicle coverage at an affordable price as an unlicensed driver often requires additional research.
Motorists who have yet to qualify for a license may be rated based on their inexperience behind the wheel. Other motorists who have had their driving privileges suspended are likely have their rates based off of their driving record. For these reasons, unlicensed drivers are commonly charged more for vehicle coverage, but adequate research may help reduce policy prices.
Although the majority of insurers prefer to insure low risk drivers in the preferred and standard market, multiple companies also target motorists with poor or nonexistent driving records. Internet resources can allow motorists to efficiently compare car insurance quotes in an effort to obtain the lowest possible rates. After entering a small amount of information, drivers can see potentially dozens of same rates at once, allowing for convenient comparisons. Extra shopping around may give inexperienced and unlicensed drivers the opportunity to find an insurer able to provide adequately priced coverage.
The reason why unlicensed drivers frequently encounter higher coverage costs is because of the importance generally placed on accident frequency and experience. A motorist who has lost their license as the result of driving while uninsured, receiving multiple traffic citations or involvement in an accident is likely to be considered a high risk driver. To have a license reinstated, motorists typically need to obtain proof of future financial responsibility from a licensed insurer in the form of an SR22. Comparing as many quotes as possible may give motorists a better chance of finding an adequately priced insurer willing to provide the services necessary to have a license reinstated.
Teenagers and other inexperienced drivers may have difficulty finding adequate priced insurance because of the accident statistics commonly associated with younger motorists. Multiple studies have shown that motorists under the age of 25 are involved in more accidents than any other age group. As a result, younger drivers are frequently considered higher risk motorists.
To improve their chances of finding inexpensive auto protection, teens should research Tips for Selecting a Driver Training Program that could improve their abilities behind the wheel. Insurers frequently provide discounts for completing state approved training programs, which may make it significantly easier to find adequate coverage as an unlicensed and inexperienced motorist.