Complying with Wyoming Auto Insurance Laws

Complying with Wyoming Auto Insurance LawsAs a condition of being allowed to operate an automobile, motorists must be financially responsible for the damages that they may cause as a result of driving a motor vehicle. This does not necessarily mean that drivers must purchase car insurance coverage, but to many this is the preferred method of being in compliance. The reason for this is that some of the other methods to comply with the state’s requirements can be somewhat unaffordable to many residents.

Rather than purchase automobile coverage a driver can file a certificate of insurance, a bond, or a Certificate of Deposit of money or securities in the amount of $25,000, deposited with the State Treasurer. As one may imagine, not every driver has the option to deposit such a large amount with the state and may need to purchase a Wyoming auto insurance policy from a licensed insurer. Motorists who choose to comply with state laws by getting insured are required to obtain policies with liability limits of no less than $25,000 for bodily injury or death to one person, $50,000 for bodily injury or death to two or more people and $20,000 for the property damage of others. Higher liability limits can be purchased at an additional premium.

Consequences for Operating Without WY Car Insurance

Beginning Jul. 1, 1991, law enforcement officers were given the right to request proof of WY car insurance coverage from drivers at any time. Motorists should be aware that they do not have to be involved in a traffic accident in order to be asked by a law enforcement officer to furnish automobile policy documentation. If a motorist is unable to provide the documents proving financial responsibility by the officer they will be given 7 days to produce such proof. Being unable to comply within the 7 days, and if convicted of driving uninsured, the offending motorist will be fined up to $750, face imprisonment of up to 6 months, or both.

In addition, as of Jan. 1, 1993, no vehicle can be registered in the state without the applicant first verifying  with the Wyoming Department of Transportation that the automobile meets financial responsibility laws. Vehicle owners may want to note that consequences do not always begin with being caught driving uninsured by a law enforcement officer and is not the only risk being taken. Motorist who choose to drive uncovered can be involved in an accident, and many times the cost to cover such incidents can exceed the $750 fine or the cost of coverage. If an uninsured motorist is involved in a collision they could be held responsible for paying for third party injuries and/or property damage as well any injuries and/or property damage that they sustained.
