Get Enough Car Insurance in North Carolina

Get Enough Car Insurance in North Carolina

According to the Vehicle Financial Responsibility Act of 1957 all North Carolina motorists are required to have minimum amounts of liability insurance, make a cash or bond deposit with the State Treasurer, or have a certificate of self-insurance. The majority of residents choose to purchase a protection plan from a state approved coverage provider in order to meet this requirement, but drivers should know that maintaining only the minimum amount of liability may not be enough for every motorist. There is an array of expenses that a NC motorist may be expected to pay after an accident or vehicle related incident, and not having the proper coverage could end up being financially devastating.

Purchasing a plan that offers greater amounts of protection does not necessarily have to be expensive, and oftentimes motorists can find cheap auto insurance in NC that offers more extensive coverage with only small amounts of effort and a quick online quote comparison. For example, one of the simplest ways of improving one’s coverage is by increasing liability limits. This can typically be done for only a few extra premium dollars and can provide considerably more protection. Individuals looking to purchase a policy may wish to complete a quote comparison with these increased liability limits in mind, looking for the absolute lowest estimates that include the greatest amount of protection. Although liability insurance is important, it does not protect damages to the policyholder’s own vehicle. For this reason many Tar Heel State motorists are encouraged to pursue additional forms of coverage.

Be Prepared with Additional NC Car Insurance

Purchasing a policy that includes coverage for a wider variety of situations can offer an NC motorist greater protection and more peace of mind. Adding comprehensive and collision coverage, for example, can cover an entire assortment of damages that could befall a policyholder’s automobile. This includes not only damages that may have occurred during a collision with another vehicle up to the limits of the policy, but also damages that may be caused by accidents that are not associated with striking another car. For example, comprehensive coverage may encompass damages from fire, flooding, falling objects, theft, vandalism, or from striking an animal. It’s important for residents to be aware that damages caused by striking a larger creature can potentially be both extensive and costly.

According to the NC Department of Transportation there were over 58,460 North Carolina Animal Related Crashes from 2007 to 2009 that amounted to over $126,915,922 in damages. In Wake County alone there were over 1,110 animal related accidents in 2009. If a resident where to strike a deer, for example, having an automobile protection plan that does not include such coverage may amount to expensive repair costs. Because the presence of wildlife on NC roads is a fairly common occurrence, residents are encouraged to compare quotes that contain the necessarily levels of protection in order to find a policy that is both adequately priced and still provides coverage for a variety of situations.
