Buy Your Auto Insurance Coverage Online

Buy Your Auto Insurance Coverage OnlineMany consumers use the Internet for their purchasing of a wide variety of items. It may surprise some people to learn that it’s not just electronics and clothing that are being purchased online, but also car insurance policies. The need to speak with a representative from an insurance company to purchase auto coverage is quickly diminishing thanks to the convenience of the Internet. Whether a consumer decides to find their policy and purchase it online or not is entirely up to them, but the majority of consumers are pulling away from traditional methods of making that purchase through a representative and are buying online.

The Convenience
For anyone who has purchased their auto insurance policy online, they could attest to how convenient it is. Instead of having to wait to make the purchase during normal business hours the way a person would need to if purchasing through a representative, they can make that purchase at 1am on a Sunday morning when buying online, or at any other time they aren’t busy. Some drivers try to take a short break at work to get things such as this taken care of, and if they only had 10 minutes to speak to a representative to purchase a policy, that policy probably wouldn’t get purchased. Alternatively, that same person can go online and make the purchase under 10 minutes, still having enough time to eat a snack as well.

Where To Buy Online
The best place to buy coverage online is with Online Auto Insurance. Because we are committed to helping drivers find the best price for great coverage, drivers can know we are doing everything we can to help them out. This is why we offer our quote comparison tool for free to every driver who wants to use it. Our quote tool is the way to find the best prices in the local area for the coverage wanted. From the quote page a driver can purchase a selected policy online. In fact, the entire process of gathering quotes and choosing a policy can be done in the time it takes to watch your favorite sitcom.

Before beginning, it is helpful to either have some basic information on hand or already know it. We will ask for facts about the driver, such as their age, address and driving history. The vehicle information we will need are things like the VIN, make, model, year, and current and estimated annual mileage. Finally, the types and amounts of coverage that are wanted will be asked for. When the applicant knows these answers beforehand, the process goes even quicker.

Once the answers are submitted, the driver will then be given a list of quotes. All of these quotes are listed side by side so it’s easy to see which policy is the cheapest. The names of the providers are listed as well. If a policy from this list is desired, the driver is allowed to make the purchase online by clicking on it and using their credit card.

States Allowing Online Purchase
Luckily for all drivers, every state allows them to purchase their policy online. At the beginning of our quote comparison tool we ask for the local zip code. This is for two reasons; one, to make sure we offer quotes from local companies and, two, to know what coverage is required for the policy. Each state holds their own requirements that must be met in each policy for a driver to legally operate a vehicle on public roads. When using our quote comparison tool, we give the option to drivers to only select their minimum requirements made by the state, or they can purchase more than that for their policy. They can go through the tool once with only minimum liability chosen and see that price, and then they can go through it again but this time choosing more coverage to see how much that influences the price. Again, when the right policy has been found, the driver can purchase it online from the quote list.

How To Buy Online
Once the quote list has been given and the driver has chosen their policy, they can click on the policy to further the buying process. Do not be alarmed if we ask for additional information; this information is to simply verify your identity. All information provided is guarded and safe. To purchase, we will need a credit card number and also the driver’s electronic signature. The electronic signature is usually done by clicking a box that says “I Agree” or “Accept” but another way is to type in your initials. It depends on what is wanted by the site. When the contract has been electronically signed and paid for, the driver can save their policy to their computer or they can have it mailed to them. In some cases, the driver can print out a proof of insurance card right away from their home printer and won’t have to wait for it to come in the mail.

Fees For Comparing?
There are no fees to compare quotes online or to use any other part of our site. We believe all drivers should be allowed to see what other companies are offering for the same coverage without the hassle of a pushy representative trying to convince you to go with a certain company. There are times when fees are included in a policy, and one of those times is when the policyholder decides to split their premium into monthly payments. There is a processing fee associated with monthly payments.

Buying Coverage For Many
Some households have more than one driver living there. Many insurers will offer lower prices if more than one driver is on the same policy, which will save everyone money. The best way to see how much would be saved by putting everyone on the same policy is by contacting the insurer and hearing their price ideas.

When you buy auto insurance online you are saving time and quite possibly saving money, especially if you have purchased a policy from the quote list provided by We show drivers the best ways to purchase insurance for their vehicles which include how to save more on their policies and do so in a short amount of time.