Although it may seem easier to drive without auto insurance, in the end it is worth the time and research to find appropriate auto insurance for any driver. By law, each driver must be able to prove financial responsibility in order to legally drive in most states. Most often, this proof of financial responsibility is in the form of auto insurance. If found breaking the law by driving without auto insurance, or any other type of approved financial responsibility, the driver is penalized according to the consequences that are deemed appropriate by the state.
The penalties for driving without auto insurance vary from state to state, but they usually range from fines to time in jail. The fines for a first-time offense can start around $100 but drastically increase with each offense. There are also possible suspensions of the driver’s license and their vehicle’s registration. Reinstating your license and registration can get costly. Depending on the number of offenses that has occurred, there is also a possibility of jail time in addition to the fines and suspensions. Listed below are the consequences in some states for driving without auto insurance. As you will discover, every state varies on the consequences of driving without auto insurance or other type of financial responsibility.
Arizona: Suspension of driver’s license or vehicle registration, which lead to reinstatement fees. May also need to have an SR-22 for three years.
California: Fines of up to $500 with suspension of driver’s license. The vehicle may be impounded, which would be the financial responsibility of the driver. A judge can determine if the driver should face time in prison.
Delaware: A first time offense can end with a fine ranging from $100 to $1,500. The driver’s license and vehicle registration may be suspended.
Florida: Driving privileges may be suspended for three years, as well as vehicle registration. Reinstatement fees range from $150 to $500.
Illinois: The driver will have their license and vehicle registration suspended and pay a $500 fine.
Maryland: Offenders will pay $150 for the first 30 days of not carrying auto insurance, to be followed by $7 per day afterwards until the driver is carrying sufficient auto insurance. There is a $1,000 fine that is possibly coupled with jail time if false auto insurance is provided.
Mississippi: A first offense of driving without auto insurance results in a $1,000 fine and the suspension of the driver’s license for one year or until proof of auto insurance is available.
Nevada: Vehicle registration will be immediately suspended in Nevada if a driver operates their vehicle without proper auto insurance. Law enforcement officers may remove the vehicle’s license plate, and a $250 reinstatement fee must be paid to get them back.
New York: In this state, it is required by law to submit the vehicle’s license plates if the vehicle and driver are not insured. If they are not submitted, the driver’s license and vehicle registration will both be suspended.
Ohio: Residents of this state who drive without auto insurance will not be able to drive for 90 days to 2 years, and their driver’s license and vehicle registration will be suspended. To reinstate the vehicle for the first violation it will cost $125. The driver must then file an SR-22 with the state for 3-5 years.
South Carolina: The driver will be issued a ticket and will have 15 days to show proof of insurance. If not, the driver’s license will be suspended.
Texas: A first offense fine will range from $175 to $350, and fines for additional offenses range from $350 to $1,000. The driver’s license will be suspended as well as the vehicle’s registration. The vehicle will also be impounded.
Washington: Offenders are given a minimum fine of $450.
Because most states require the use of auto insurance, there are ways they can monitor who has insurance and who does not. For instance, when a policyholder’s insurance has expired and was not renewed, the auto insurance company is required to notify the state department. The state department then proceeds with finding out more information concerning the driver and their auto insurance status. The result may be that the driver found auto insurance with another company, or the driver failed to renew the policy due to either forgetfulness or laziness. Then the person may be punished with the appropriate consequence. Also, more and more traffic officers request proof of insurance along with the driver’s license and registration when on a traffic stop. Any driver not carrying auto insurance could be penalized heavily for it just because they were caught rolling through a stop sign.
Most states have made carrying auto insurance a law simply because of the financial responsibility that is necessary to repair damages the driver has caused to another person’s property or body. If drivers were not financially responsible for their mistakes, there would most likely be even more accidents as a result of breaking traffic laws and not worrying about the consequences of doing so. Some people don’t mind if they drive a vehicle around that has damage done to it, while other drivers want their vehicle body to remain in great condition. Drivers in the latter group tend to drive with more caution to avoid wrecking their car.
State governments make it their responsibility to see that all drivers who use caution while driving be able to provide financial responsibility for their mistakes. Auto insurance companies are able to provide the monetary means allowing for the damage that occurred from the accident to be repaired. This damage relates to any broken property or bodily injury sustained as a result of the accident. It can also apply towards pain and suffering and loss of wages too.
There is no reason why auto insurance shouldn’t be included in the total price of the privilege of driving. It is the responsible way to drive; so responsible, in fact, that most states require it of anyone who decides to operate a vehicle. There are ways to find cheap auto insurance or to keep your rates low. Don’t be fooled into thinking you do not need to purchase auto insurance because you’re a great driver. You never know what someone else is going to do, or how their driving will affect your life.
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