Complete an auto insurance review prior to committing to buying a policy by visiting Reviews of insurance companies’ premium rates, financial strengths and history.
The first step to reviewing top companies such as Progressive, GMAC, Infinity and more is to obtain their rate quotes. Why go any further if the rates are not within your budget or allowable spend. Narrow down choices by completing an online auto insurance quotes comparison and seeing side by side rates from a variety of quality insurers by visiting and answering a single a set of questions.
Once the premiums are displayed, consumers may review their choices of companies and make a choice of three or four carriers for which to continue on with auto insurance reviews.
These are things to consider when completing each insurer’s review:
Consider the price and weigh it out in comparison to coverage being offered and offers from other companies in order to get a feel for it’s competitiveness. Keep in mind that not always is the “cheapest” better because it may be worth paying a few extra dollars to ensure satisfaction.
Financial strength is an important factor which should be considered as part of reviews. Each of the auto insurance carriers are assigned a letter grade by AM Best, an independent company which grades based on a few factors “A++” being superior.
Customer feedback is a quick insight to an insurer. If you know someone who’s had a certain company in the past, ask them what their experience was and ask if they’ve ever had a claim to get a feel for their experience. Visit your state’s department of insurance for complaint history.
A major reason for customer dissatisfaction is the “long lines” for service. A good tip for getting a feel of service is to pick up the phone and call the customer service line to see how long your expected wait times would be. Keep in mind that Monday’s are expected to be busy because it’s the back to work day and many people call in; better yet, if the company’s service is open throughout the weekend, take a mental not of that because it’s definitely a plus.
Keep in mind that top rated auto insurance companies are one’s that are “admitted” by the state which a policy is being offered. A state approved company is backed by a state fund which offers the policyholder added assurance that in the event of a company going bankrupt, a sort of “insurance” for insurers will be around to pick up any unpaid claims.
The above reviews should be done prior to the commitment of policy purchase. For more tools, tips and guides for United States consumers, Visit and take advantage of theLearning Center available at no cost or obligations.