Insurance that Covers any Driver that Drives your Car

Insurance that Covers any Driver that Drives your Car

Looking for auto insurance that covers any drivers?

Get car insurance quotes online for policy to cover other drivers rather than just you. Any driver you would like covered on your cars would have to fit the coverage eligibility and each company has its own rules and regulations on covering persons not included in the policy. In order to be sure, review carefully the details on “drivers covered” before allowing others to drive.

In general, anyone residing at your home address who will be driving your vehicles would have to be listed and included in order for auto insurance coverage to apply. Be cautious about the “excluded drivers” section which will specify anyone who it will definitely not cover. By signing the exclusion agreement, you are agreeing that those listed persons are not covered under any circumstance.

It is best to add anyone who will likely drive your cars in order to be sure; however, some companies will provide limited coverage for anyone who:

  • does not reside in your household
  • does not have regular access to your vehicles
  • does not own the vehicle or is listed in the registration title
  • is not using the cars for work place related purposes

If you’re unsure or have a special circumstance, you may want to speak to an agent to check and make sure that the policies will be covering anyone who drives.

Adding a driver to a car insurance policy:

Policyholders can contact their carrier to add drivers who will be driving their automobiles. The process should be quite simple. First you will need to gather basic information such as date of birth, and any history of convictions and accidents such as convicted drunk drivers.

High risk drivers may generate a higher rate because they may be considered more likely to be involved in an accident. Young, teen or 1st time new drivers with a learners permit may also cause high premiums and may impact not just the vehicle they will be driving but all on the policy. Although there are some benefits to adding multiple autos to a policy such as multi car discounts, you should weigh out the difference in price savings by quoting the addition of the driver to your current policy vs. buying a whole new policy for them.

Quotes are free at and with one simple process, you may get the rates of multiple leading carriers to complete a premium comparison. Since there are such wide ranges of drivers such as those with expired driver’s license, elderly drivers or even the occasional imperfect driver with bad credit or no license at all, it is important to realize that there are companies out there that specialize in the high risk categories and can offer very reasonable rates.

Does auto insurance cover the car or driver?

When a driver purchases a policy, the liability portion will follow them to which ever vehicle they drive as long as it falls within the coverage guidelines. Other protection plans covering the vehicle itself such as comprehensive and collision will only cover the car specified in the policy and will not transfer to other cars.

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  • Car Insurance for New or Young Drivers
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