Lowest Car Insurance Company – Which One is It?

Lowest Car Insurance Company – Which One is It?Since we are all unique in the factors used for determining premiums (age, driving record, etc.), we each have to locate our own “lowest” auto insurance companies by completing a rate comparison from a good variety in order to sort out the low cost premium among others.

There are two ways of taking care of the task of comparing quotations from multiple carriers. The first method is the old fashion way and is the most time consuming. It involves having to obtain quotes from insurers individually by inquiring directly. This method is slowly fading since the Internet has come along which brings us to the more efficient way of completing rate comparisons.

Websites such as OnlineAutoInsurance.com remove the hard work from the whole process. With one single visit, consumers may instantly get up to four auto insurance quotes online from a variety of 15 quality carriers. This removes the workload of repeated form completions and answers to the same questions. A beneficial aspect to insuring online is the ability to purchase and manage a policy through the World Wide Web giving the policyholder flexibility and mobility when it comes to management such as payments, changes and inquiries.

Car models with the lowest insurance rates:

What car will have the lowest insurance cost? Knowing which cars have lowest rates allows drivers to be ahead of the game. It should definitely be a factor considered when buying vehicles along with the many other things such as gas consumption and purchase price. A mistake to avoid is buying the automobile and later realizing that the price to insure it is beyond budget. It is often that it may occur; therefore, be sure to quote insuring costs prior to committing.

The car models with a low insuring rate:

  • 4 Door Vehicles
  • Non Sporty
  • Low Valued
  • Safety Features such as:
    • low jack and homing devises
    • duel airbags
    • automatic seatbelt
In general, the cars to watch out for are:

  • Exotics (Ferrari, Lamborghini)
  • Luxury (Mercedes, BMW, Lexus)
  • Sport (Porsche, Ford Mustangs, Mitsubishi Eclipse)

Lowest car insurance for bad drivers:

If you’re among the many that have a history of tickets and violations such as DUI, DWI and/or accidents, the key to finding low cost auto insurance is to know where to look. Remember that there are companies out there that specialize in the bad drivers and offer a lower price compared to standard or preferred market carriers which are mostly competitive for the drivers with clean records. OnlineAutoInsurance.com works with carriers that can offer affordable premiums for the no so good driver histories.

Lowest auto insurance for young drivers:

After leaving their parent’s policies, young drivers are often looking for a policy of their own and are shocked to find that premiums were higher than what they use to pay. Usually having multiple vehicles in the same policy will generate a “multi-car” discount. When a young driver goes on their own, they are stripped of their discounts and start looking for a lower rate elsewhere.

The key to low prices for the younger driver is to compare quotes from a variety of companies to find the one offering lower premiums. OnlineAutoInsurance.com gives visitors instant access to the rates of leading carriers such as Progressive, Infinity, Unitrin and more. Many of them are quite competitive when it comes to the youngest drivers.