Looking Forward to Lower Auto Insurance Rates

Looking Forward to Lower Auto Insurance RatesPolicyholders paying the same auto insurance rates for a long time usually begin wondering; When will my rates go down? There is a time to look forward to as far as rate reductions are concerned and additionally, instead of waiting, there are a few actions you may take to ensure the reduction of premiums.

Upon the most common rate reductions to look forward to is the renewal discount. Usually car insurance companies will offer a discount for renewing your policy after 12 months. This discount is given automatically to the insureds and requires no action on your behalf. The renewal price break can vary in amount and is usually in the range of 5 percent. For example if you were paying $100.00 per month, upon renewal you may be offered a reduction to $95.00. Although not too great of a discount, it is among a few others which can quickly add up to make a difference.

A widely expected discount from youthful drivers is when they hit the age of 25. This may not necessarily always be something to look forward to since not all insurers offer this discount. The more accurate truth behind this discount is based on driving experience instead of age. A 25 year old driver will not get any discounts if they’re freshly licensed. To be more precise, when a driver hits the 3 years licensed mark, they will be eligible for the “good driver” price break, not because of age but because of the length of time licensed.

Many people also believe that when a violation on their driving record clears, their premium immediately drops. In reality, if a policy is midterm, or between the policy effective and expiration dates, it will not impact the policy until it renews. Generally rates are fixed throughout the policy period unless changes are made. This works both ways though; if a policyholder obtains a violation throughout the midterm, their rates will not increase until renewal.

Waiting for your rates to go down by them selves is one way of doing it. Another is to take action to ensure you’re paying competitive rates and not wasting money overpaying. Since each insurer offers unique car insurance quotes even for the same coverage. It is beneficial to compare the rates of multiple carriers. To avoid comparing rates by contacting insurers individually for quotes, one can log onto sites such as OnlineAutoInsurance.com to instantly compare auto insurance online from leading companies. With one simple process you can get up to four rates from fifteen insurers with the option of purchasing a policy online.