When it comes to choosing an auto insurance agent, there are a few things one should look for in order to ensure the deserved representation, guidance and service.
It is often that auto insurance agents are paid by commission and it is important to understand that it may be an agent’s best interest to make a good earning instead of looking out for the consumers best interest.
Understanding how the personal automobile policy works will give you the ability to spot out any salesman tactics to avoid any unbeneficial actions or representation.
If an agent works for an auto insurance broker, they are normally paid on broker’s fees. It is commonly state law to disclose brokers’ fees which are negotiable. Before signing the “brokers’ agreement” discuss their fees and make sure you feel they are reasonable.
If you get the feeling that an agent is trying to feed you the pushy salesman tactics, feel free to request another agent, after all it is your money.
Agents working for direct carriers are not normally as assertive because they’re not on similar pay structures. Although they may also be on commission, they’re normally paid on the annual premium. Make sure you’re not getting unneeded or duplicate coverage. Although the more coverage the better, make sure that you understand the details of the coverage you are purchasing and that it is what fits your needs.
A good agent will make you feel comfortable. If you prefer to shop auto insurance rates without the help of an agent, you may log onto OnlineAutoInsurance to compare auto insurance online from a variety of insurers with one simple process.
Sometimes not having to deal with a salesman for the purpose of a rate comparison may make your experience a bit more pleasant. The internet makes it easy to not only get quotes, but to complete research on any companies and even learn more about coverage.
Courtesy of OnlineAutoInsurance.com