There are tons of auto insurance companies to choose from out there, so how do we choose the right one? If we decide on a certain company, how do we make sure it’s going to be a good choice?
There a quite a few things one should look for when deciding whether or not to choose a certain company. One shouldn’t solely make a choice on one single factor, but a combination of multiple important factors, and if you’d like to, you can add extra consideration on whatever you feel is most important such as price, quality, coverage or stability.
The following is a summary of things one should look for in an insurance company in order to make an educated choice and ensure your satisfaction and security.
One very important factor that we all automatically take into consideration is price. With good reason, we all want to pay as little as possible for the coverage we need. Instead of determining whether a carrier’s rates are competitive by comparing them to your current or prior rates, one should compare the rates of multiple companies. Many times, consumers obtain two to three quotes from different carriers and believe the lowest one of the three to be competitive. What one should realize is that the rates of auto insurance companies can widely vary for different drivers. If one company is cheapest for one driver, it’s not automatically going to be the cheapest for all drivers. It is recommended to compare the rate quotes of at least five companies in order to ensure a competitive rate. Among the simplest way of completing an auto insurance quote comparison is to visit By completing one simple form, you can compare the rates of multiple carriers instantly and quickly instead of contacting companies individually.
Assessing your coverage needs can be based on what you need and what you can afford. If you have a vehicle with very low value, you may consider waiving comprehensive and collision coverage which is what covers your vehicle in case of damage or theft. Additionally, you can experiment with high deductibles to see price differences. Get quotes for all different types of coverage. Don’t be afraid to quote a certain coverage just out of curiosity and remember that quotes can be obtained online totally free with no obligations at You may be surprised to find out that some valuable coverage can be quite inexpensive.
If a company is offering the coverage you need for a reasonable price, you can begin to look a bit further into other factors such as service. Customer service is a very important factor that should definitely be taken into consideration when choosing the right carrier. If one bases their choice only on price, it is pointless to pay for insurance if you’re not going to receive the service you deserve when it comes time. A good way of determining the service factor is to ask someone that you know has the company. Ask them if they’re satisfied with the carrier and if they recommend the company regardless of price. Also you can contact the customer service number and ask a simple question such as “Do you offer discounts for married drivers?” just to see what hold times you can expect and to see the friendliness of the representatives.
The stability of a company is a very important factor. If you find a great price from a company having great customer service and they go out of bankrupt before they pay your claim, you’re on the same boat as not having insurance at all. The stability of a company is called financial strength. There are independent agencies that issue letter grades to companies based on their financial strength such as Some companies are proud of their grade and display it as they provide you with rates. also gives you company summaries with the AMBest’s the financial strength rating.
Claims assistance is as important as any other factor. It’s the main reason you insure your vehicles; to help you get through a loss or liability claim. Making sure companies do provide good claims assistance can also be determined through anyone you know who’s had a claim with the company in question. You may also contact you state’s Department of Insurance to get a claims complain history. Obviously, if a company has tons of complaints, you’re likely to end up complaining upon a claim; Vise versa, low complaint records indicate satisfaction from large percentages which likely will be you as well.
Take your newly added knowledge and obtain you free online car insurance comparison from multiple companies by simply logging onto and filling out a quick questionnaire. Don’t be hesitant, there’s absolutely no obligation to purchase a policy; however, in most states, you can choose to buy you policy online and receive instant proof.