There are definitely a few ways to cut down auto insurance costs; however, the usual case is that people pay more than they should just because they’re unaware of the available ways.
Whether looking to buy insurance or looking to lower current rates, you should take a few actions to either make sure you buy a low cost policy or to make sure you’re getting a competitive rate.
If you haven’t purchased a policy yet and are looking for low cost auto insurance:
Finding the right policy to purchase can be a challenge. Almost anywhere you look is a company promising to save you some money, buy who really can? The fact is that not one single company is going to save everybody money. The reality is that one company can be cheapest for one person, and at the same time, the most expensive for another. The secret is to obtain a few quotes from different companies in order to find the company which will offer you the lowest rates.
Don’t worry, you don’t have to pick up a phone book and call around for hours until you find a good rate. Those days are over. Now days, you can take advantage of technology. Many websites now offer an online car insurance quote comparison instantly by simply filling out one form.
One such website is Compare rates with no obligations to purchase a policy. Additionally, if you choose to purchase, you can do so online and get instant proof.
Be sure to include multiple vehicles on one policy for a multi-car discount. Also, another great tip for lowering costs is to list you vehicle’s actual annual mileage. If you have more than one vehicle, chances are that you aren’t driving one of them as much; therefore, be sure to list low annual mileage when getting quotes. If your vehicle has an alarm or a tracking device, list it to get another discount. After all, discounts add up quickly and can save you quite a bit throughout the year.
If you already have auto insurance and are looking to lower your rates:
You may be among the millions of people paying more than they should for auto insurance. Even if your vehicles are already insured, you can take a few actions to lower the costs.
First of all, make sure you’re not paying an outrageous amount by comparing your rates with the rates of a few other companies. lets you instantly compare your rates with different companies, totally free and without obligations.
If you found that your rates are much higher, you may want to consider switching companies. There’s no point in tweaking your policy to lower it by a few dollars when switching can save you a significant amount; however, if you found that your rates are competitive, there are a few things you can do to further lower your rates.
Keep in mind that you get lower rates if you’re married, so make sure you’re listed as a married driver if that is the case. If you have a couple cars, make sure they’re on the same policy in order to receive your multi-car discount which can be in the area of 20% off.
Insurance companies sometimes list vehicles with average use even though they can be listed as low use. If one or more of your vehicle are not often used, be sure to contact your carrier and let them know that you want to list it as low use or low annual mileage.
Tell your company to give you the list of available discounts and see for yourself if you qualify for any of them. Also ask what you can do to qualify as this can be worth your time.
Experiment with multiple types of coverage and different deductibles. If your employer provides you with some kind of medical coverage, there may be some unnecessary coverage on your policy which you’re paying for.
Take a look at’s learning center to learn more about coverage, discounts and tips on saving money year after year.
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